Thursday, October 5, 2023

Tyler Arboretum Fall Festival (10/5/2023)

Thursday, October 5, 2023
We figured we should use our Tyler Arbretum membership to actually visit Tyler Arboretum!
Being Fall Festival time for members only, we were able to get dinner from food trucks before exploring.
Scenic Tyler Station A: Gnome Shack
Titania's Ball Art Gallery (in the Barn),
a group exhibition inspired by A Midsummer
Night's Dream
by William Shakespeare,
featuring "magical realism"; members
were invited to dress as fairies or wizards
Part of the art exhibit?
Part of the art exhibit: Moonlight Reverie
 (2022, by Scott Woyak)
Free S'mores
The first floor of Lachford Hall (c 1738) was open
Original furnishings include the 1777
secretary with drop-front desk that belonged
to Jacob Minshall II, the great-grandson
of Thomas Minshall who purchased
the property in 1681 from William Penn;
the square-back oak chair on the right
is the oldest piece - 1600s English
In the background is a 1700s walnut gate
leg table, then an early American pine cradle
with bonnet hood, and what appears
to be a rocking potty chair
The side we usually see of Lachford Hall
The Painter Library (1863) for the growing natural science
collections and equipment of the bachelor brothers,
Minshall and Jacob Painter; the library has thick 
stone walls library vaults with steel doors, and
even fire-proof paint to protect aginst fire
Scenic Tyler Station B: Magical Woodland located
at the Troll Bridge
Troll Bridge
Scenic Tyler Station C: Fall's Finest: Capturing Nature's
at the Three Bears Chairs
The hanging ornaments are dried hydrangea flowers
The Pond
If this is a duck shelter, it seems a bit high off the water
Scenic Tyler Station D: Pumpkin Lookout at Fort Tyler Treehouse
Fort Tyler Treehouse
Fort Tyler Treehouse

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