Sunday, October 1, 2023

Wilmington, DE (10/1/2023)

Sunday, October 1, 2023
A great day for the Head on the Christina Regatta in Wilimngton, DE!
Plenty of room to observe the race along the riverfront in
front of the Amtrak Consolidated National Operations Center,
a block from the Wilmington Youth Rowing Association
Dylan's high school 4+ is crossing the race path to row
upstream to the start of the head race, a 2.5-mile timed event
Now Dylan's boat passes by in the race;
Dylan is the third rower from the left (the
boat in the foreground is waiting to cross) (KSS)
Dylan's boat heads back to the boathouse
(they are moving right to left) (KSS)
Dylan helps carry the shell back to the trailer (KSS)
The crew has a post-race conference; they came in second!
Wilmington Train Station aka Joseph R Biden, Jr
Railroad Station, (1907, by Frank Furness) as Biden
commuted by train to Washington, DC during his
time as Senator from Delaware from 1973-2009
Blue 'W' on Market Street at Front Street
Wyland Whale Mural #044, Delaware Marine Mammals
(1993, by Robert Wyland) depicts a breeching Megaptera
novaeangliae/Humpback whale on the left, and on the right
a school of Tursiops truncatus/Atlantic Bottlenose Dolphins
501 N Market Street (1890, by Baker and Dallett in
Victorian Romanesque style for the Central National Bank)
Delaware Historical Society Arch, and on the right: Old
Town Hall (1798, in late-Georgian, early Federal style)
519 N Market Street (1885, by Frank Furness, for th
Security Trust & Safe Deposit Company)
We were able to have lunch with Erich and Pete, and were met by Brynne, at the Chelsea Tavern in Wilmington.
301 N Market Street (1915, as headquarters for Farmers Bank)
Tubman Garrett Riverfront Park Gate (1998)
Unwavering Courage in the Pursuit of Freedom (2012,
by Mario Chiodo) depicts Harriet Tubman and abolitionist
Thomas Garrett leading two enslaved persons to freedom
On this side we can see Thomas Garrett,
a Quaker and leader of the Underground
Railroad movement
Birdhouse (2020, by Tom Burke) replicating the boyhood
home of Martin Luther King, Jr, in Atlanta, GA
Riverfront of the Tubman Garrett Park
A "birdhouse" (2023, by Tom Burke)
is made to resemble the Edmund Pettus
Bridge in Selma, Alabama
Next: Delaware Museum of Nature & Science.

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