Sunday, October 22, 2023

Aswan Market Spice Shop (10/22/2023)

Sunday, October 22, 2023 (continued)
Our included shore excursion continued with a stop at the Aswan suq/market with spices and herbs as a specialty.
Mounded baskets full of spices and herbs ...
... and who knows what else!
Dried hibiscus flowers used as a tea is
said to lower blood pressure
One of many spice shops
Our group was seated in one shop to be shown some
of the wares and what health problem they helped;
also some blends of spices for cooking certain meats
Drawers contained salt rocks?, dried dates,
and doum palm fruit
Bins with (top) I don't know, scallop shells, and cypress cones;
(bottom) nut grass tubers, salt rocks?, raw desert dates for oil
Groundnuts/peanuts and I don't know
Turmeric, cypress cones, dried cornflowers
Dried cornflowers, cuttlebones, bark?
Drawers full of ground spices
Tamarind tea ball and doum palm fruit
Pine cones and peeled cassava
Top: white pumice and Maryam booti;
Bottom: dried lack limes? and dried Persian lemons/limes
Free time for the rest of the market!
Household goods
The main street of the market was under pergolas
Tea house
Soft drinks, fruit, and sugar cane
Public water dispenser
Vendor sorting his produce
Next: Sail on a Felucca.

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