Sunday, October 29, 2023

Jordan: Amman (10/29/2023)

Sunday, October 29, 2023
We checked out of the Petra Marriott and boarded the motor coach bound for Amman.
Stopped at a viewpoint overlooking the aea of Petra
Shrine of Ayn Musa/Moses's Spring
Another rock said to have been struck by Moses
to create a spring, and water from this spring is
what eventually flows to Petra and is diverted from the Siq
The rock and the beginning of the stream (KSS)
Tamiko scoops a bit of spring water to drink (KSS)
A dog takes advantage of the police stopping the traffic (KSS)
Heading back north on the Desert Highway, we stopped
again at the New Jerusalem Resthouse
Kittens at the New Jerusalem Resthouse (KSS)
Passing a Bedouin tent, with its water tanks to the left
This tent offers camel milk for sale
A stop in Amman to view the Roman Theater (2C CE) that held 6,000 people
The Roman Theater
The Odeon Theater was next to the Roman Theater, and
was built at the same time, but holds only 500 people
Chipsy snack bar (KSS)
Amman, the capital of Jordan, was a neolithic settlement, which was later referred to in the Bible when the Citadel was besieged by King David. In 3C BCE, Ptolemy II Philadelphus rebuilt the city and named it Philadelphia. The Romans arrived, and in 1878 Circassians settled here after exile from Russia. The Emirate of Transjordan was established in 1921, remaining a British mandate until independence in 1946 as the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.
Without zoning, Amman has grown higgledy-piggledy
up the mountainsides
Stairs may be the only way to reach your home
Queen Alia Miltary Hospital (1987, renovation 2014-2018),
Queen Alia was the third wife of King Hussein (grandson of
King Abdullah I); she founded the Office of the Queen of
Jordan to finance social development projects with an emphasis
on women and children, including women's right to vote
We continued to Jerash for lunch at
the Lebanese House (est 1977)
Meze of olives, hummus, and bright pink pickled vegetables
Fattoush/salad with pita chips
Baba ganoush with pomegranate seeds
They called this a rocket salad,
but it does not look or taste like our arugula
French fries
Sfeehas/meat pie in the center
Falafel with more pickled veggies
Oops, the flatbread is almost gone
Mixture of beef and lamb, and chicken kebabs
Dessert of Layali Lubnan/a semolina pudding
topped with pistachios and rosewater syrup
Next: Jerash.

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