Friday, October 20, 2023

Luxor: Howard Carter's House (10/20/2023)

Friday, October 20, 2023 (continued)
Leaving the Valley of the Kings, we stopped at the house of Howard Carter, the British archaeologist who uncovered the tomb of Tutankhamun.
Howard Carter's House (1910, designed by Howard Carter?)
was reopened to tourists a year ago, on the hundredth
anniversary of the discovery of the tomb of King Tut
Artifacts did not belong to Carter
The study was replicated based on photographs
Carter's bedroom with a metal bed and mosquito netting
The guest bedroom may have been used on 
occasion by George Herbert, Lord Carnarvon,
who was the financial sponsor of the
archaeological dig that uncovered
the tomb of Tutankhamun
Dining room
Visitors exclaimed that a heat source was
not needed in Egypt; however, the
British needed to heat the tea kettle
Antique dolly switch mounted
on a copper plate
A medical kit from Carter's time
The bathroom likely had an earth water closet
and tin bucket and pan for washing
There was a small lead-lined
cupboard to keep food cool
The kitchen
Photography darkroom drying room
A large window opened to the patio
Artist's easel; Carter was skilled
in watercolor painting
Antique drafting table
Copies of watercolors done by Carter
and a wicker lounge chair
This photograph of Howard Carter was in the
Howard Carter House and in our stateroom
Next: Tomb of Nefertari.

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