Friday, November 24, 2023

Winterthur: Yuletide at the Mansion (11/24/2023)

Friday, November 24, 2023 (continued)
The land was purchased by Éleuthère Irénée du Point (E I du Pont) c 1810, and was used for farming and raising sheep. Part of the estate was sold to E I's business partner, Jacques Antoine Bidermann and his wife Evelina Gabrielle du Pont (daughter of E I). A Greek Revival house was built (1839-1842) and the estate was named for Bidermann's ancestral home, Winterthur in Switzerland.
Now, pay attention. Bidermann's son then sold the estate to his Uncle Henry du Pont, who was buying it for his son Henry Algernon du Pont. Henry A and his wife enlarged the house and the property. Their son, Henry Francis du Pont inherited the estate in 1927. Henry Francis and his wife tripled the size of the house, incorporating architectural elements salvaged from 17th, 18th, and 19th century American homes in the region. Plus we know H F is a collector. In 1951, H F opened the home as a museum, and
continued collecting until his death in 1969.
The Winterthur Yuletide at the Mansion tour began in
the Conservatory, and it was touted that there would be
Christmas trees and dresses inspired by Ann Lowe
Inside the Conservatory with Preserving
(by Heidi Militana and the Winterthur
Floral Team), the annual Dried Flower Tree
decorated with dried flowers from the gardens
Montmorenci Staircase was purchased
from a plantation in NC in 1897
Patching Together Tradition (2023, by Asata
Maisé Beeks) and the twin trees are by
Heidi Militana and Winterthur Floral Team
All Dressed in White (by Heidi and Team)
was inspired by the wedding
dress of Jackie Kennedy
This room had the Chinese wallpaper with
a non-repeating pattern making it more of
a 360-degree mural; but we are distracted by
the tree (recognize the dress?) and flowers
Another view of the Chinese wallpaper
Magnolia Blossoms Blooming (2023,
by Asata Maisé Beeks)
Magnolia Blossoms Blooming
(tree by Mack Truax)
Complex Narratives (by Heidi and Team)
was inspired by a particular Ann Lowe dress
Candlestick collection
Glamorous Gladioli (2023, by Asata Maisé Beeks)
Woman Behind the Thread (by Jeni Jackson)
Blooming Velvet (2023, by
Shawn Baron Pinckney)
Miniature tree with quilled paper ornaments
Close-up of a quilled paper ornament
Pretty in Pink (by Mack Truax) was
inspired by an Ann Lowe pink satin dress,
and H F perhaps favored pink for his orchids
Feather Fantasy (by Heidi and Team)\
was inspired by a dress Ann Lowe
decorated with feathers
Close up of Feather Fantasy (KSS)
Winter scene in the Mudroom?
No explanation for this tree, but Ann Lowe
herself always wore a hat
The Museum Store
Winterthur Mansion, of which we saw the fifth and
fourth floors out of nine floors; there are 175 rooms
We will have to check out the gardens another day.

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