Sunday, December 31, 2023

Haverford College Arboretum (12/31/2023)

Sunday, December 31, 2023
The new reasonably mild seasonal weather of December continued. Although a hike in an arboretum may not make sense in the winter, it still provided photo ops.
The Haverford College Nature Trail is
2.2 miles around the perimeter of the campus
Sinuous tree branching
Picea abies/Norway Spruce is native to
Northern, Central, and Eastern Europe
Pinus wallichiana/Himalayan White Pine is native to
the Himalaya, Karakoram and Hindu Kush mountains,
from Afghanistan to southwest Chima
Chamaecyparis obtusa/Hinoki Cypress
is native to central Japan
Platycladus orientalis/Oriental Arborvitae
is native to northeastern parts of Asia
Pinus cembra/Swiss Stone Pine is found in
the Alps, Carpathian and Tatra Mountains
Pinus densiflora/Japanese Red Pine is native to East Asia
The pedestrian bridge over E Railroad Avenue was closed
A small pond above Duck Pond
Some trees had numbered tags, which initially
I thought meant they were PA Champion Trees;
however, there were too many and I figured
they were inventory tags; this is #590,
an Acer pseudoplatanus/Sycamore Maple that
is native to Central Europe and Western Asia
Well, well, an early (or very late?) blossom on a
Prunus 'Accolade'/Flowering Cherry Tree
Liquidambar styraciflua/American Sweetgum Tree is
native to temperate eastern North America and montane
regions of Mexico and Central America
Abies nordmanniana/Nordmann Fir is
indigenous to the mountains south and
east of the Black Sea
Cedrus atlantica 'Glauca'/Blue Atlas Cedar
Quercus rubra/Northern Red Oak
is native to North America
Scattered acorns of the red oak
Red oaks line College Lane
An evergreen tree that I could identify if I
can ever find the inventory list and #24
The Duck Pond used to be a marsh that was dammed
in the winter to create a skating pond
There are ducks on the duck pond
Treaty Elm, the descendant of the Ulmus americana/
American Elm Tree under which William Penn made a pact
of unity/peace treaty in 1682 with the Lenni Lenape Nation;
the original tree was located in Shackamaxon, now
Penn Treaty Park, on the Delaware River in Philadelphia
Quercus bicolor/White Swamp Oak is found
in north central and northeastern North America
Dolichovespula maculata/Bald-faced Hornet
nest is exposed when the tree branches are bare
I will call this the Duck Pond Stream
Found at the trailhead, this wood-carving
of a squirrel was donated in 2019 by the
John B Ward & Co, a tree service company

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