Saturday, December 16, 2023

West Indies Adventure: Castries, St Lucia (12/16/2023)

Saturday, December 16, 2023
View from the Viking Sea of Castries, capital of St Lucia
This time we are truly at the back of the bus for the
included shore excursion, St Lucia Panorama; a
glimpse of the Government House (1894-1895), the
official residence of the governor-general of St Lucia
Sir Arthur Lewis Community College (est 1985)
was named for the St Lucian who was awarded the
1979 Nobel Prize in Economics 
A view down on Castries from Morne Fortuné
A peek inside Stony Hill (1999), a private home
that is rented for special events
We had steel pan entertainment (why do
they feel they have to play Western music,
instead of their own calypso tunes?);
actually mostly Christmas music
We had a "Taste of St Lucia" with, clockwise from top,
banana cake, coconut and cinnamon cake with chocolate,
icing, green fig and saltfish fritters, and banana ketchup
(which surprisingly tasted like ketchup!)
We wandered the gardens in a light rain:
gazebo surrounded by a small moat
Acalypha wilkesiana/Copperleaf
Tamarindus indica/Tamarind fruit on the tree
Bromeliad air plants are suspended by
string, with roots growing downwards (KSS)
Dendrobium attennatum variety of orchid
Phalaenopsis sp hybrid orchid perhaps
Man-made waterfall
Artocarpus heterophyllus/Jackfruit Tree
with yellow "flowers" and fruit
exhibiting Rhizopus Rot (black fungus)
Pool in front of a Ficus benghalensis/
Banyan or Audrey Ficus Tree with aerial roots
View from Stony Hill of Rodney Bay (town and water feature)
Arachnis flos-aeris/Spider Orchid
Stony Hill house
Stony Hill entrance
Sometimes shore excursions take longer than
scheduled because of island traffic
After the excursion, we went straight to our own exploration of Castries.
Castries Central Market (1891, building 1996)
Inside the market building
Miscellanea table
Menswear from caps to undies
Dioscorea alata/White Yams and Citrus jambhiri/
Caribbean Rough Lemons (coconuts rear right)
Musa paradisiaca/Plantains (must be cooked to be eaten)
So I should not assume these are bananas
just because they are yellow?
Watching a sports match on the bar's television
Castries City Hall was refurbished in 2017
Statue (2011, by Ricky George) of
Sir John Compton, the first Prime Minister
of St Lucia and champion of Caribbean unity,
stands in Constitution Park that was so-named
in 1967 when St Lucia became an associated
state of the United Kingdom; independence
came in 1979 with Commonwealth membership
Castries Courthouse (no building dates found,
but most of Castries was built after a
devastating fire in 1948)
Cathedral Basilica of Immaculate Conception (1897) is said
to be the largest church in the Caribbean
Interior of the cathedral
Murals by St Lucian artist Dunstan St Omer
Cathedral sanctuary
Even when opened, the stained glass
windows form a whole picture
Ha, the newest building in Castries is a KFC
Brazil Street has some restored French-Creole buildings
Derek Walcott Square with the ancient Samanea saman/
Rain Tree or Monkey Pod Tree that has survived fires
and earthquakes; in St Lucia it is called the Masav tree
due to the story that a tourist asked a local the name
of the tree, to which he replied "Masav," meaning
"I don't know" in his Kwéyòl language
Derek Walcott Square fountain with
seasonal decorations
Bust of Sir Derek Alton Walcott,
the St Lucian poet who was awarded
the 1992 Nobel Prize for Literature
Bust of Sir William Arthur Lewis, whom
we have met, the other St Lucian who was
awarded the 1979 Nobel Prize for Economics
Castries City Library (1950, to replace the 1924
Carnegie Library that burned in 1948)
The contents of these bottles did not look potable;
they are insecticides!
Trying to capture the color of Castries Harbour
Next: Basseterre, St Kitts.

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