Thursday, December 14, 2023

West Indies Adventure: St John's, Antigua (12/14/2023)

Wednesday, December 14, 2023 (continued)
After being dropped off at the cruise port after the shore excursion, Kent returned to the Viking Sea, while Tamiko went to see sights in the city of St John's, capital of Antigua & Barbuda.
From the dock, the spires of St John the Divine
Anglican Cathedral could be seen
From the dock, there are the typical tourist shops for
cruisers, including Diamonds International, Del Sol,
Tanzanite International, and Colombian Emeralds
Heritage Quay Complex of duty-free shops
Beyond the shops, I was in the nitty-gritty of St John's, too crowded with local shoppers and shops to take photos surreptitiously.
Bird Monument (2002, by Andres Gonzalez) honors
Sir Vere Cornwall Bird, the revered statesman who was the
last Premier under associated statehood from Britain
and then the first Prime Minister when independence was
gained in 1981 (plus membership in the Commonwealth)
Shops in front of houses
Gutters in the streets
I think this is a view toward the Victoria Park Botanical
Gardens, but I could not figure out how to get there
A parking garage (2005-?) has not been
completed due to financial issues and
lately because the contractor cannot get
liability insurance; our excursion guide
said it was because cars don't fit in it!
St Joseph & St Patrick‘s Catholic Church (1909,
damaged in 1974 earthquake, still being renovated)
Peek at the Government House/Governor-General's
Residence (1700s as a parsonage, adapted 1801 by
Lord Lovington as an official residence)
Entrance to the Antigua Recreation Ground (1978)
was the national stadium until 2007
Well, my map was no help and I had to ask young men at a shelter (bus stop?) for directions, resulting in a 180 degree turn!
St John the Divine Anglican Cathedral (1845-1848,
by Thomas Fuller in Neobaroque style) is located on
a fossilized reef at the highest point in St John's
Old Court House (1747-1750, by Peter Harrison)
now houses the Museum of Antigua & Barbuda
Next: Roseau, Dominica.

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