Monday, February 12, 2024

Easton, MD (2/12/2024)

Monday, February 12, 2024
Historic Walking Tour of Easton, MD
Long Acre Farm House/Hardcastle House is
now part of the Academy Art Museum along with ...
... the first public high school in
Talbot County (c 1820, addition 1853)
Brick Gothic cottages (L to R, 1873, 1878, 1874)
Frame house in Federal style 
Trippe Beale House (1890, by Richard Upjohn,
in Victorian style with Moorish elements)
Grove of magnolia trees
John Horsey House (1890, in Victorian style)
Arts & Crafts house (1920)
Chaffinch House (c 1893, in Queen Anne style)
Parlett House (c 1885-1890, in Queen Anne style)
This house (1910) is supposed to reflect the influence
of architect Frank Lloyd Wright
Galanthus spp/Snowdrops
William Mason Shehan House (1909-1910,
in Colonial Revival style) 
Dutch House (1920)
Driveway to the Third Haven Meetinghouse
Third Haven Meetinghouse (1684) may be the oldest
frame building in the state of Maryland
Third Haven Meetinghouse interior
New Third Haven Meetinghouse (1880)
Frederick Douglass/Liberty mural
(2023, by Adam Himoff)
Brick Federal houses (1809, with Georgian influence)
Neall House (1804-1810, in Federal style)
Neall House Garden entrance
Eranthis hyemalis/Winter Aconite
Neall House Garden
c 1795 house
Joseph's Cottage (c 1795)
Talbot Historical Society Research Center
Tred Avon Building (c 1878 after a fire destroyed
several buildings on Washington Street)
Daylight Building (c 1878) was named for its large windows
Victorian commercial and residential buildings (c 1878)
Talbot County Free Library (1925,
renovated 2017) with the Avocado Bubbler
(by Jan Kirsh)
Sheriff House and Jail (1888) is constructed with granite
Easton National Bank (est 1805,
building 1904 in Beaux-Arts style)
Old Brick Hotel/Stewart Building (1810,
in Federal style with Tudor elements)
Talbot County Courthouse (1794)
Statue (2011, by Jay Hall Carpenter) of
Frederick Douglass portraying the event
of his "Self-Made Men" speech in
the main courtroom of this courthouse
Lunch included this Maryland crab soup,
which was chock-full of crab meat
Talbot Bank (1908, in Greek Revival style)
Avalon Theatre (1921)
Bullitt House (1801, in Federal style) with a 
frame addition used as a law office
Bullitt House outbuilding and garden
Stevens/Hambleton House (1790)
Armory (1927) is now the Waterfowl Building
(note the sculpture of geese by Bart Walter in 1995)
Christ Church (c 1840, in Gothic Revival style)
Christ Church Rectory (1893, by Richard Upjohn)
Brick Federal townhouse (c 1800)

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