Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Solar Eclipse in Buffalo (4/8/2024)

Monday, April 8, 2024
Ready with our special solar eclipse-watching eyeglasses
(we couldn't see a thing, just blackness when wearing
these glasses): Paul, Yuriko, and Tamiko; meanwhile
a Bingo game was in progress at Elderwood (KSS)
Yesterday was a cloudless day in Buffalo, NY, one of the major cities along the path of a total solar eclipse set to happen this afternoon. However, more typically for Buffalo, we had a double-layer cloud cover today.
We had a special filter and app for our phone cameras, but
they were meant for the overbrightness of a cloudless day;
this was the beginning of the partial eclipse
Tamiko and Yuriko are outside waiting for
the totality portion of the eclipse (KSS)
Yuriko wondered what everyone was looking at
But then it was as if it was night!
The totality lasted 3 minutes and 43 seconds in Williamsville,
as compared to 3 minutes and 30 seconds in Niagara Falls
Coming out of totality ...
Look, a sliver of the sun!; because of the cloudy conditions,
we did not need the filter and took photos without it
Eclipse cookies: golden sun on one side,
moon shadow on the other

Tuesday, April 9, 2024
Can you believe it was another cloudless day in Buffalo?!
Music & Movement at Elderwood Williamsville:
Digging for dinosaurs
Mom's nicely decorated room

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