Tuesday, June 18, 2024

2024 African Safari Plus: Chobe Game Lodge (6/18/2024)

Tuesday, June 18, 2024
A last minute errand to purchase stamps
and mail the first postcards of the trip (KSS)
A small bus with a luggage trailer picked us up at the hotel
for the hour-journey to the border with Botswana (KSS)
At the border just the two of us were taken by a safari
vehicle for another hour-ride to Chobe Game Lodge (KSS)
Perfectly round houses, perhaps now made with
white-washed brick, but based on the traditional
mud huts with thatched roofs  (KSS)
Roadside vendor (KSS)
Warthogs crossed in front of us (KSS)
Entrance porte cochère of Chobe Game Lodge
Lodge lobby
Despite arriving late, we were given lunch;
this is Quiche à la Chobe
Spicy Buffalo Wings
Chobe Game Lodge room
The room and bathroom were decorated
with bougainvillea blossoms
Lodge room desk/vanity
Bathroom including a shower at back left
The upper lodge room on the right had an infinity pool
flowing into a fountain
Warning about wild animals
Sure enough, warthogs outside the dining hall
(although they are not really predators!) (KSS)
Just passing through! (KSS)
Chobe Game Lodge has a riverside boardwalk
Botswana's First Official Lovelock Site
Instead of littering land or water, "throw away" the key here
"Living room" on the boardwalk
Vines growing through the boardwalk
The boma/traditional meeting or gathering place
Swimming pool
Poolside "accommodations"
Poolside lounge chairs with towels
Linyanti Bar decorated in traditional
Bedouin tent style
Lanterns in the dining room
Terrace lounges
Next: Chobe Boat Safaris.

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