Wednesday, July 3, 2024

2024 African Safari Plus: Flight to Lake Manyara National Park (7/3/2024)

Wednesday, July 3, 2024
We were driven from Nasikia Mobile Migration Camp to the
Kogatende Airstrip with its crowded parking lot
The horns on this Cape buffalo skull seemed to be
growing spikes; it is infested with Ceratophaga vastella/
Horn-borer Moth larvae who feed off the horn
The larvae create these tubes for their pupa stage
This time we used Auric Air to fly to Lake Manyara (KSS)
Auric Air Cessna Grand Caravan EX at Seronera Airstrip
where all passengers had to disembark while they refueled
At Lake Manyara Airport, we were whisked away
along the landscaped airport access road
We zigzagged down the escarpment for the first view
of Lake Manyara, a large (40 x 15 km/25 x 9.3 mi)
shallow saline lake that is fed by springs and rainfall
We entered Lake Manyara National Park, which
was a lush jungle due to all the springs
First we had our box lunch before exploring the park
This time we had a Toyota Land Cruiser that
was modified with enclosed seating
There were many streams (KSS)
Despite the lushness, the dirt roads kicked up dust on the
plants, turning these Cyperus papyrus/Papyri brown (KSS)
Vines blanketed all the trees
Above us was the eastern escarpment of
the Great Rift Valley
Trichilia emetica/Natal Mahogany Trees (KSS)
Acacia xanthophloea/Fever Trees (KSS)
Yellowish bark of the fever tree (KSS)
Papio anubis/Olive Baboon
A troop of baboons
Ficus burkei/Strangler Fig Tree (KSS)
We were told that Lake Manyara, which tends to flood,
may be getting too much water and not shrinking in the
dry season; roads were blocked by water (KSS)
Shrubs sitting in water are dying
Chlorocebus pygerythrus/Vervet Monkey on the left;
note trees that have died out in the lake
Someone decorated this termite mound
Viewpoint perspective of Lake Manyara (KSS)
Trachyphonus erythrocephalus/Red-and-yellow Barbet
Plenty to eat here for the male Loxodonta africana/
African Bush Elephant
We would also see blue monkeys, and a warthog, as well as, Cape turtle doves and an African pied wagtail.
Next: Ngorongoro O'ldeani Mountain Lodge.

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