Monday, July 1, 2024

2024 African Safari Plus: Nasikia Game Drives A (7/1/2024)

Monday, July 1, 2024
Game drive began at 6:00, and we needed to find a rhinoceros
to have seen the Big Five, but we were not permitted to
get close and just had this distant rear-end view;
note the Euphorbia ingens/Candelabra Tree on the left
... female Panthera leo/Lion nursing her cubs (KSS)
Video of lion nursing cubs
Crocuta crocuta/Spotted Hyena
A long-distance view of Diceros bicornis/Black Rhinoceros
Loxodonta africana/African Bush Elephants
Elephants approaching Kent
Well, hello! (KSS)
Morisho, the assistant guide, greets an elephant
Mother and calf continuing on their way
The ground was marshy from too much rain so
this vehicle got stuck in the mud
We pulled this vehicle out of the mud
Waterhole with Nymphaea/Water Lilies
Coracias caudatus/Lilac-breasted Rollers
Mara River
This Crocodylus niloticus/Nile Crocodile is
still waiting on the Great Migration
The herbivore Hippopotamus amphibius/Hippopotami
are not interested in the Great Migration
A less submerged hippo (KSS)
A section of the Mara River where river crossings do take place
Papio anubis/Olive Baboon
Straddling the border between KE/Kenya
and TZ/Tanzania; we are allowed some
leeway before being considered illegal
The first of three vehicles was stuck in the mud and
was pulled out, while a better path was found for
the others to avoid getting mired themselves
Male Struthio camelus/Ostrich has black feathers
while the females have brown
We would also see Egyptian geese, guineafowl, Swainson's spurfowl, crested francolin, Cape turtle doves, migrant corncrake, white-bellied bustard, bare-faced go away bird, white-crowned lapwings, long-crested eagle, magpie shrikes, grey-headed social weaver, African pipit, and rufous-naped lark.
Phoenix reclinata/Wild Date Palms
Crossing a seasonal river
Controlled burn moving away from us
Controlled burn coming toward us,
although they do not cross roads
Today's lunch was fish 'n' chips
For the afternoon safari, Tamiko wields
a cow's tail fly swatter (KSS)
Eroded river banks due to flooding
Seeing thousands of wildebeest: this is the beginning of the Great Migration in this area
Connochaetes taurinus/Blue Wildebeest
Ficus burkei/Strangler Fig Trees and kopje/outcrop of granite
More strangler figs and kopjes (KSS)
Oreotragus oreotragus/Klipspringers
Is the mother klipspringer keeping
an eye out for a leopard?
Balancing rock (KSS)
Male Panthera leo/Lion
Napping female lion with two sets of cubs
We would also see a rock hyrax, jackals, cheetah, banded mongooses, zebras, impalas, reedbucks, Cape buffalos, giraffes, and warthogs.
Nasikia Dinner Menu
Next: Nasikia Game Drives B.

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