Monday, August 12, 2024

D&H Canal Museum (8/12/2024)

Monday, August 12, 2024
A visit to the D&H Canal Museum in High Falls, NY.
Map of the route of the D&H Canal built by a coal company
that wanted to transport its product to New York City
The museum was located in the former DePuy Tavern (1797),
with hand-hewn wooden beams
In 1850 the tavern was purchased to be the D&H 
Company offices, and in 2022 opened as the museum
Working model of a lock
Working model of the gravity railroad that carried the
coal down the mountain to the canal
Model (1984, by Abe W Mathews) of a
150-ton capacity canal boat (c 1851) 
Tavern room
DePuy Tavern, then D&H Company offices with
Hoggee and Mule sculpture (by Annie O’Neill)
depicting a girl mule driver called by the directions she
gives the mule, i.e., haw means right and gee means left
New Lock 16 (1850) was built when the
locks were enlarged to 90' wide
It started to rain, so we skipped the Five Locks Walk.

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