Friday, September 13, 2024

Ridley Creek State Park Trail Hike (9/13/2024)

Friday, September 13, 2024
Today's hike in Ridley Creek State Park was for 5 miles and 50 flights of stairs.
A gap in the bushes led us to the Blue & White Trail
from the farthest south parking lot at Picnic Area 9
It was downhill until we reached Ridley Creek
Ridley Creek
A fallen beech tree with carved initials
Kent on the high-step bridge to cross a tributary to Ridley Creek
The "rapids" of Ridley Creek
We continued following the White Trail
past large boulders (KSS)
From the White Trail, we turned left
on the Yellow Trail
Beyond the crossing with the multi-purpose
trail, the path appeared not to be used as much
Trametes elegans/White Maze Polypore, a bracket mushroom
Branches arch over the Yellow Trail at the multi-purpose trail
We made a wrong turn and ended up at Area 17!
Crossed a couple dry streambeds
Grylloprociphilus imbricator/Beech Blight Aphids, aka
Boogie Woogie Aphids because they appear
to be in constant motion (KSS)
The aphids produce a honeydew, which is then covered
in black by the Scorias spongiosa/Sooty Mold Fungus,
produces a spongy, golden-yellow heap that may rise
1-2" or more above the leaf or twig surface (KSS)
Back on the Blue Trail where this fallen tree
had two large branches to cut through steps
Boardwalks and bridge
Plenty of roots on which to trip
Back along Ridley Creek, a nice long bench
Once again over the high-step bridge