Sunday, April 28, 1985

1985 Terry's Wedding (4/27/1985)

Saturday, April 27, 1985
Packed and readied to leave for Logan Airport. Kent wanted to leave at 7:00. He went out to the car as I ran around doing last minute chores like putting out the garbage and locking all the doors. I hurried to get in the car. As I buckled up, Kent showed me his watch: 6:59!
We drove to Boston and there was a lot of traffic and a lot of the cars had four people in them (?). Arrived at Logan at 8:00, and had breakfast. Boarded our 9:05 Empire Air flight that left relatively on time for a 50-minute flight. The little Fokker plane took us to Syracuse for a half hour layover. Japanese businessmen boarded the plane, and we joked that they were the Japanese uncles coming to the wedding! Arrived on time about 11:15 in Buffalo. When we left the gate, passing the x-ray, a punk girl was opening up her bag to show all the chains she as carrying!
We were met by Kathy and David, and Kathy drove us to my parents’ house.  Phil, Frank and Paul were eating breakfast, and Larry was in the shower. Mom and Dad were there. Grandma and Dot were driven over from the Holiday Inn where they are staying.
Wedding invitation by Terry
I went to join the girls who were getting dressed. Kathy was instructing Terry on make-up.
Kathy and Terry
Terry, the bride
Dad Gordon, Frank
Most of us walked over to St Joseph’s Church, followed by Terry and Daddy driven by Frank.
Terry arrives at the church
It was already 14:00, but things were not yet ready to begin, Terry and her maid of honor, Lynn G, primped in the back room.
Lynn G and Terry
The bride waits
Jim, the groom, waits
Finally the priest came out with James B and his best man, Jim R, son of the NFL football player, Jim R. The organist played, and Terry really was a beautiful bride, walked down the aisle by Dad and led by Lynn. The wedding party took their places.
Jim and Terry kneel before the priest
We had a service much like a Mass, but no communion. The homily was about the desire of trees, whose wishes come true in unusual ways. One wanted to be a cradle, but was made a manger, only to act as the cradle of Jesus. Another wanted to be an important ship. But was made a fishing boat. St Peter’s boat, that is. One did not want to be cut down, but to stand and worship God. Instead, it became the cross. Afterwards was the receiving line in the church lobby, then a half hour of taking photos.
Mr. & Mrs. James Bailey
Jim & Terry with the grandmothers
Jim & Terry with the parents
Al B, Jim & Terry, Thelma B
Gordon T, Jim & Terry, Yuriko T
The combined families plus Lynn G
Tamiko and Kent
Jim & Terry by the magnolia tree
Jim & Terry by their car
At 16:30, we headed back to the Highgate Avenue house. Terry stopped to change, and she and Jimmy left for Montreal on their honeymoon.
The B and T families went downtown to Garcia’s Pub and Restaurant for a 17:00 reservation. There were 24 people!
The ceilings had fans that were connected by rubber belts, and all were run off one motor.
Ceiling fans
Kent had quiche, and I had a cup of Manhattan clam chowder and a spinach salad that could have served a family of four! The Bs, of Orchard Park, were an interesting family:
Father, “Al” B: Jolly sort of person.
Mother, Thelma: Quiet and petite.
Oldest sister: Donna and her husband, Ray N, and two daughters, Julie and Heather.
Totally blind sister, Jan.
Recluse sister, Nancy.
Sister Kathy was pretty lively.
Sister Dorothy, who is partially deaf, brought her boyfriend, John S. Terry was first friends with Dorothy, as they were at Buff State together in the art department.
We had Grandma and Dot, Mom and Dad, Phil, Larry, Kathy, David, Frank, Paul, and me and Kent.
Hmm, someone is missing.
Kathy and Paul
After eating, some of the Ts headed to the Erie Basin Marina, but decided it was too cold to walk out to the lighthouse. So Dad and Mom took Grandma and Dot to Niagara Falls, and the kids congregated at Highgate Avenue to talk and joke.
Later, Kent and I took Mom and Dad’s car to stay at Terry and Jim’s house in Snyder.
It was time to move the clocks forward.

Sunday, April 28, 1985
Yesterday was blessedly sunny with clear blue skies. Today it was pouring rain!
We picked up Grandma and Dot at 9:30 and drove to Denny’s for breakfast. We dropped Grandma and Dot off at the church in time for 10:30 Mass, and Kent and I thought to shop at the Boulevard Mall, but it didn’t open until noon. Had lunch at my parents’ house, with ten of us around the table. Phil, Frank, and David left to return to their hometowns, and Kathy went to work.
Afterwards, Dad drove me and Kent, Grandma and Dot to the Buffalo LRRT Amherst Street Station Open House. We met Larry S who gave us a personal tour. Saw a brief film on the safety features of the system. There were people to explain the ticket/fare system. We took the escalator to the mezzanine level to see a film about the artwork. A tin sheet molding of trees growing put of the gorge, and down in the station was a line drawing of neighborhood houses. There was a train in the station to board and look around. Kent and I took the elevator back up to the street level to look at a photo display on the construction of the LRRT line. Much later, the older folks came up. We waited for Dad to be let go by Larry S, but then they started talking to a third fellow! I was sent to rescue Dad.

When we got back to the house, Mom and Dad left for Cleveland; the hosts saying goodbye and leaving their guests! At 17:00 I went to get the 50 chicken wings, half medium and half hot. At 18:00, Paul drove me and Kent to the airport, and would then drop Grandma and Dot at the Holiday Inn. Our 18:55 USAir flight was delayed, and we got to Boston a half hour late at 20:30. Paid $16 to get out of the parking lot, hit a major traffic jam at the tunnel, then drove home.

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