Friday, May 17, 1985

1985 Beer Tasting Party (5/17/1985)

Wednesday, May 8, 1985
This evening the P.T.s had a potluck supper at Pam B's house.
Shish kebobs ready to grill
Janis S with Lynnie P
Lynnie P, Lorna B, and Pam B

Friday, May 17, 1985
Went home from work to get ready for the PT beer tasting party. Mary B and Frank M were the first to arrive, but had to go home to get their beer mugs. Pam B came, and Janis and Bob S arrived with a crockpot of hot dogs cooked in beer with barbecue sauce. People were getting thirsty, so we went ahead and started the beer tasting, where I filled shot glasses marked with letters for a blind taste test. We had plain popcorn to nibble between tastes. We started with three light beers and Nordik Wolf was the most popular. The women who drank less beer preferred Carling Black Label Light, and Amstel Light was in the middle. We tried two ales, Molson and Bass Pale Ale. Sort of a split with Molson ale lovers being faithful. Then the lagers Augsburger versus Watney’s. Close, but Watney’s won. Then two more lagers, Harp and Coors; Harp won by a long shot.
Mary and Frank came back as we started the beers, and Gerald G arrived. Bev B and her friend, Nancy, came, and a bit later Lorna and Michael B. So we went through the blind test again, then got out the malt liquors; Molson Brador and Carlsberg Elephant. No clear winner, but people had their favorite.
Karen C, Janis S, and Frank M
Nancy and Bev B
Kent started grilling hamburgers, and there were the hot dogs in beer, plenty of munchies and M&Ms. Wayne K, then Karen C arrived, and the taste test was done for them. Wayne had brought an old Lone Star beer, and we could “match” Carta Blanca and Dos Equis, the amber beers. "Dallas" came on TV, and some people sat to watch, while others stayed in the kitchen for beer trivia.
Watching "Dallas"
After the TV show, we had the “most unique T-shirt contest,” and Michael won with his “I came here only to drink beer” T-shirt that had a scale of how many beers were needed to the “time to pee” level.
Lorna B congratulates Michael B
We played Trivial Pursuit with the girls vs the guys, and we had some easy questions to keep the game interesting, but the guys did win. The exodus began at midnight.

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