Saturday, October 18, 1986

1986 Bill Walton (10/18/1986)

Saturday, October 18, 1986
Took the meat from the rest of the crabs from Christopher’s Deli yesterday. We had eaten only 6 of 14. You pulled off all the legs and used the nutcracker to get meat out of the upper and lower parts of the fore-claws, and the upper parts of the other legs. You took a mallet to the area that looks like a tail tucked under the body, pulled that up and lift the top shell. What was left you broke in half and scraped out all the guts, before digging out the meat. A lot of work, but fun.
After lunch we went to Roger Williams Park Zoo by 13:00 to meet Erich’s Tiger Cub Pack. After walking through the zoo, leaving out the tapir corner, we left at 14:30 and went straight to Uno Pizzeria in Warwick. Bill Walton of the Boston Celtics was there signing autographs. We joined the slow-moving line, and finally reached Bill Walton sitting at a table. We took his picture and he gave us autographs on Uno menus.
Bill Walton, Erich, and Kyle
Autographed menu
Back at home we made apple pie and baked apples, and Kent made tacos for dinner. We all sat down to watch the first World Series game of the Red Sox vs the NY Mets. One by one we fell asleep. But they won!

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