Thursday, October 23, 1986

1986 Skiing? in NH (10/21-23/1986)

Friday, November 21, 1986
I found out I had a 15:13 appointment at Allstate in Lincoln and hurried home, as Kent had wanted to leave for NH at 16:00. We were only tying the skis on the roof at that time, and Donna P came later to drop off the condo keys and give us her turkey to take. We left about 16:40 and it got dark as we headed up I-95. Took I-495 to avoid most (but not all) Boston traffic. It snowed more the farther north we went, and sometimes the wind got gusty. At the 100-mile marker in NH, we knew Exit 32 was next. Drove through Lincoln and found the Clearbrook section of Loon Mountain Village. The condo was up on a hill, and we had to walk through 6” of snow to the front door. Things warmed up quickly as we put the lasagna in the oven and unpacked. After dinner it was almost time for bed.

Saturday, November 22, 1986
After a breakfast of scrapple and eggs with petite croissants, we shoveled the front walk. Kent found P boots and skis that fit him, and we got in the car to drive over to Loon Mountain. Found a parking spot at the foot of the bunny hill. Some guy asked if we were here for lessons. Nope! We had learned lessons would cost $15/person for two hours. We trekked up the hill and I had my own boots and skis to don. We had some used boots and kids’ skis for Kyle and Erich. I tried to give them a couple pointers, but they were just anxious to head downhill! Without great success. Kyle seemed to have the basic idea, and Erich managed if coached through step by step. Kent wanted to try the rope tow, but the kids couldn’t get the hang of it. Frustration levels were high, so we quit to go back to the condo for a chicken pot pie lunch.
Decided to try a couple prep activities that I do with kids with disabilities, and the boys didn’t seem to have the flexibility to stand up from the ground with the skis on. We tried snowplowing down the side yard of the condo, but it was just too narrow.
Kyle and Tamiko (KSS)
We got in the car and went to look for a slope. Drove towards Lincoln and took a right turn at the Common Man restaurant. Another right brought us to the Lincoln-Woodstock Recreation Area with a ski slope and an inoperative ski lift. No one was around, so the kids tried skiing, which wasn’t easy on the icy crust of the snow. Kent practiced skiing as the kids sledded, and everyone was happy, I think.
Kent and Erich sled down, as Kyle heads up
Erich, Kent, and Kyle on the hill
Kyle on skis
Kent on skis
We left about 16:00 to return to the condo and build a fire in the fireplace. Roasted some chestnuts and a couple really exploded! Had dinner of roasted chicken, potato wedges, and steamed broccoli. Played music cassettes in the background as we played Po-Ke-No. Had pumpkin pie and whipped cream for dessert. The Celtics were on TV.

Sunday, November 23, 1986
After breakfast we cleaned up, then headed to the Recreation Area again. The crusty snow made learning to ski too difficult. Saw a couple boys snow/ice surfing on boards that attached to their feet. Kyle and Erich decided just to go sledding. A man was there teaching his kid to shoot a BB gun, and he said the slope and tow would open on December 6th.
We returned to the condo to snack and do the final clean-up. Packed the car and closed up the condo, making sure to turn off the hot water heater, close the flue, set the thermostat at 50 degrees, and close the blinds. Final potty break and we locked up, leaving at 13:15, ahead of schedule. Drove on clear roads, and stopped in Lawrence, MA for a late Burger King lunch. They had several dining rooms and two drive-up windows. Got home about 17:00, and took the kids to their mom’s.

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