Sunday, April 19, 1987

1987 Basketball Hall of Fame and Easter (4/18-19/1987)

Saturday, April 18, 1987
After a big breakfast we left at 9:30 to drive to Springfield, MA. It was a miserable rainy day, so it was just as well that we were going to the Basketball Hall of Fame, where we managed to get Kyle and Erich in free as under 9 years of age. Kent and I each had a 50 cent discount through AAA, so “only” paid $4.50 each!
Basketball Hall of Fame brochure A
Basketball Hall of Fame brochure B
In the museum lobby was a memorial to Newton S Hillyard, the guy who developed the playing surface coating for the basketball court. Thanks to him we have the typical squeak, squeak of sneakers on the non-slip surface! There was also a three-level basketball fountain that was not in operation.
We went upstairs pass the Naismith Memorial with his bust and childhood memorabilia. Dr James Naismith was a rugby player in high school. He developed the game of basketball as an assignment when he worked at the YMCA and had to come up with an indoor aerobic sport. It quickly became popular.
There was an exhibit of art, including wooden sculpture by Bill Walton. Upstairs again to the third level to see the exhibit on the new inductees, then we worked our way through the “time tunnel.” The Early Game exhibit gave the history. Women were playing the sport two years after it began in 1891. Saw the peach basket and the evolution of the basket up to today, as well as of the ball (it started with a soccer ball). From YMCAs, the sport spread to high schools and colleges, and basketball dynasties over time were shown. TV monitors showed college tournament highlights.
Through a sneaker arch to the professional team exhibit, with sample uniforms and uniforms of famous players. There were large backlit photos of the Hall of Fame members. We turned back to walk through the actual Hall of Fame with pewter reliefs of the players. There was a Maurice Stokes Memorial to a player paralyzed when he received a head injury while playing NBA basketball.
Down on the second level was “Play 52” where you stood in the middle of four screens and watched the game take place all around you. Next was an area on international basketball, and there was a video tape of the Harlem Globetrotters. We walked down along a balcony of basketball art, which overlooked the “Shoot Out” area. Went in a theater to watch part of “Hoopla,” a multi-media presentation on the diversity of basketball.
Down to the first level to “peek” inside the lockers of various star players, as well as Red Auerbach’s with his cigars. There is now an Athletic Trainer of the Year Award! Refs had one locker. Kyle and Erich went through “Shoot Out” where there is a moving sidewalk past several baskets of varying heights and distances, with a line of basketballs to take shots. There was also an area for jumping various heights to hit hanging markers. There was a media exhibit, and a wall of cartoons.

We checked out the gift shop, then left to get on I-291 to find a place to eat. On US-20 we stopped at Abdow’s Big Boy Restaurant. The boys had sodas and Kent and I had iced teas. Erich and I had the Chicken Nuggets with fries, and I had barbecue sauce, and Erich had sweet and sour sauce. Kent got the Brawny Lad Hamburger with onion rings, and Kyle had the Little Boy Burger with fries. We had dessert, too. Kyle had apple pie a la mode, with help from Kent, and Erich and I shared a fudge-covered cake with ice cream. Left $15, and headed home, From the Turnpike we took MA-122 in Millbury instead of MA-146. Drove through old mill towns. In Uxbridge we got on MA-146 and continued home.

Sunday, April 19, 1987
Happy Easter!
Easter "basket"
Kyle's and Erich's Easter shoes
Erich and Kyle
Kent with Kyle
Kent with Erich
Let's try outdoor photos...
Tamiko (KSS)
Kyle, Erich, Kent

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