Saturday, May 9, 1987

1987 Stepping Stone Falls, Escoheag, RI (5/9/1987)

Saturday, May 9, 1987
Before lunch the boys played basketball and they brought me lilies and iris for “Step-Mother’s Day,” and a rose from Kent. After lunch we drove down I-95 to RI-3, then turned west on RI-165, which was pockmarked due to construction. Turned right on Escoheag Hill Road for about two miles as estimated on a map. We found a dirt road with yellow blazes on the trees, so knew we were in the right place. We drove down the dirt road to the stream and parked. Just down the stream to the right were the Stepping Stone Falls. Found at last!
Erich, Kent, and Kyle
Stepping Stone Falls
Interesting rock formation. Explored a bit; the gnats were really pests. We retraced our steps to the road, and went upstream on the other side.
Stepping Stone Falls
Stepping Stone Falls
Erich saw a frog jumping into a puddle. Found a bridge over the stream.
Erich, Kent, and Kyle on the bridge
Erich,Kent, and Kyle
Next to the bridge was a tree with a network of roots over the rocky surface of the ground. Kyle asked if we knew where “Route/Root” 95 was!!
We crossed the bridge to walk on the opposite bank back to the car. We returned to Escoheag Hill Road and turned right to follow it until it became a dirt road, passing a fire tower and a couple cemeteries. We turned back to RI-165 and followed that past I-95 and RI-3 until it became a dirt road. Turned north on the New London Turnpike, which was a dirt road! Once it reached RI-102, we got back on a paved road to head east to RI-2, to I-95 and home.

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