Saturday, March 2, 2013

Heidelberg (3/2/2013)

Saturday, March 2, 2013
We were promised sun for today! Together we walked to the Mannheim train station to purchase a one-way ticket to Heidelberg and boarded a train. Ten minutes later we were in Heidelberg, Germany.
The train station (1955):
Bicycle parking at the station:
Giraffe sculpture across from station:
Lindingerbrunnen/fountain (no water in the winter):
Otto von Bismarck (1815-1898), German statesman:
Bayer, competitor of BASF:
Kent with "The Reader:"
Hauptstrasse/Main Street:
Another fountain:
Akadamieplatz doorway:
Tamiko points out the missing button on the coat of Robert Bunsen:
Main Street clock:
Interesting shop window:
Knife holder:
Perkeo Restaurant:
Perkeo was a court jester:
Stadthalle/City Exhibition Hall:
Busts of university professors and famous artists:
Looking across the Neckar River:

Wrought-iron sign:
Schiffgasse/Ship Lane:
Marstall/Former royal stable:
Marstall gate detail:
Marstall courtyard:
The Marstall is currently the cafeteria for Heidelberg IUniversity.
Marstall Tower:
Collectible ornament shop:
Lion Fountain (and the sun came out!):
Alte Universität/Old University:
Student detention hall:

Detention hall potty:
 Old lecture hall:
Jesuitenkirche/Jesuit Church (1759):
Pietà (1905) by Julius Seitz:
Kornmarkt/Grain Market with Madonna Fountain:
Karlsplatz view of the castle:
Karlsplatz Sebastian Münster (a German cartographer) Fountain:
Zum Roten Ochsen/The Red Ox Tavern (student hangout was closed at lunch):
We had lunch at Pizza Paniz, a Middle Eastern eatery:
(We had falafel.)
The famous Elector-Prince balls:
The Bergbahn/Mountain funicular was not operating today:
So we climbed the Bergweg/Mountain path:
(Looking back down the path.)
Heidelberg Schloss/Castle turret:
View from the castle:
Karl Theodor Bridge:
Castle's Hexagonal Tower:
Kent with a very large tun/wine cask:
Wine press?
An even bigger tun that can hold 220,000 liters/48,400 gallons:
Perkeo always seems to be around wine:
Neue Hof/New Court section of the castle:
Friedrichsbau/Frederick's Building:
Alte Bau/Old Building:
Ottosbau/Otto's Building:
Ruprechtsbau/Ruprecht's Building:
Upper Prince's Springhouse:
Castle garden terrace:
Gesprengte Turm/Broken Tower:
Watchtower and castle bridge:
Numbered steps up to the castle:
Kornmarkt view of the castle:
Marktplatz/Market Square Hercules Fountain:
Rathaus/City Hall:
Haus zum Ritter/Knight's Hall:

Heiliggeistkirche/Church of the Holy Spirit:

Living statue:
Bench on Main Street:
 Karl Theodor Bridge Towers:
"Bridge Monkey" (1979) by Gernot Rumpf:
More love locks on the bridge:
View of Schlangenweg/Snake Path up to Philosophenweg/Philosopher's Path:
View back towards the castle:
Karl Theodor Bridge:
Schlangenweg/Snake Path:
View from Philosoper's Path:
Matthäus Merian etching (1620) of a similar view:
Former vineyards:
Wild Bee Info Center:
Philosopher's Garden:
At the end of Philosopher's Path, we caught a tram to go back to Mannheim, a 40-minute trip.
Mannheim's Water Tower in the sunshine:
Topped by the goddess Amphitrite, wife of Poseidon:
That's it for this trip to Germany.

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