Friday, March 1, 2013

Mannheim Luisenpark (3/1/2013)

Friday, March  1, 2013
Hmm, did March come in like a lamb or a lion. Not windy, but cool and gray.
Kent again in meetings while I walked to Luisenpark in Mannheim, Germany.
Passed the Mannheim Nationaltheater:
The free section of Luisenpark:
Running track with the communications tower in the background:
Now the paid section of the park, with a lake that has a gondola ride in the summer:
The Bookcase:
They decline book contributions that violate law or are immoral, also those whose contents deal with the Third Reich and areas of the esoteric, religion and medicine.
Sidewalk chess:
Fulica atra/Eurasian Coots:
Branta canadensis/Canada Geese:
Anser anser/Greylag Goose:
One of hundreds of lounge chairs in the park:
One of several playgrounds in the park:
Leucojum vernum/Spring Snowflake:
Fern Garden:
Phalacrocorax carbo/Cormorant:
Phoenicopterus chilensis/Chilean Flamingoes:
Pelecanus erythrorhynchos/American White Pelicans:
Eranthis hyemalis/Winter Aconite:
A fortress playground:
Citrus Garden gates:
Mossy stone face:
"Opening" (1981) by Ingo Glass:
Viburnum hybrid:
"Arbor Arborum" by Anton Eberwein:
Sciurus vulgaris/Red Squirrel:
"Figures in front of block" (1992) by Michael Irmer:
"Bit of Time" (1987) and "Curiosity" (2002) by Eric Sauer:
Helleborus niger/Christmas Rose:
Medicinal Herb Garden:
Alopochen aegyptiacus/Egyptian Geese:
Flowerbeds and flags:
"Torweg/Gateway" (1994) by Ute Lechner:
Without title (1991) by Hawoli:
Water fountain:
Araucaria araucana/Chiliean Pine or Monkey Puzzle Tree:
Ciconia ciconia/White Storks:
White Stork nest:
Erica hybrid/Snow or Winter Heath:
Another playground:
Rose Garden:
Chinese Garden:
Entrance gate:
Nine-bend Bridge:
Covered corridor:
Copy of a terracotta warrior:
"Flower window:"
Stele with quote from Pearl S. Buck:
"Bring into life joy, humor and a pure intent, then you will find in pain and pleasure that life is good."
Arched bridge:
Hilltop pavilion:
Salix sp./Pussy Willow:
Conservatory: Carnivorous plants:
Conservatory: Aquarium:
Conservatory: Winter Playground:
Conservatory: Cacti:
Path for the blind:
Helleborus hybrid:
Rope bridge:
Look at the coot's feet!
Green Parakeet in the wild:
"Just Look, Don't Feed:"
This evening we were taken to dinner at C Five by Kent's boss. Fine dining with an Italian influence. Thanks Thomas and Andrea!

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