Thursday, February 28, 2013

Mannheim (2/28/2013)

Thursday, February 28, 2013
Kent had meetings today, so I was on my own to explore Mannheim, Germany.
Our hotel, Dorint Kongresshotel Mannheim:
Papyrusbrunnen/sort of an origami fountain:
Christuskirche/Christ Church (1911 Neo-Baroque):
Pretty Baroque bank on Augustanlage:
Kulturmeile/Culture Mile on Augustanlage with "Ice Hockey for Mannheim" (1993) by Robert Schad:
"Dynamic Right Angle" (1994) by Günter Wagner:
Untitled Tower (1972) by Hans Nagel:
"Tall Mannheim Woman" by Franz Bernhard:
"Mannheim Celestial Sphere" (2005) by Mo Edoga:
Kunstverein/Art Association:
Monument to Karl Benz:
Friedrichsplatz with Wasserturm/Water Tower and dry fountains:
"The Wheel" (1960) by Morice Lipsi:
Jugendstil lamps:
Rosengarten Conference Hall (1903) designed by Bruno Schmitz:
Friedrichsplatz arbor:
Kunsthalle/Art Gallery:
Wasserturm/Water Tower (1886) in Jugendstil:
Fountainhead, so to speak:
The Water Tower is the iconic landmark of Mannheim:
Dry fountain feature:
Hauptbahnhof/Main train station:
Lauersche Gärten/Garden bronze flautist by Hermann Geibel:
Former fortress with plaque memorializing three citizens who were executed by Nazis while waving a white flag:
Mannheim Palace (completed 1760):
Now housing the University of Mannheim.
Schneckenhof/Snail Court originally held the stables:
Now it is party central.
Face-topped arches:
Schlosskirche/Palace Chapel:
Gable relief of the Holy Trinity:
Ceiling frescoes by Paul Egell:
Palais Bretzenheim:

Onward to Schillerplatz with a statue of Friedrich Schiller:
Schiller's play Die Räuber premiered in a theater at this site.
Jesuitenkirche/Jesuit Church (completed 1760):
Façade with wrought-iron gates:
Very Baroque interior:
Alte Sternwarte/Old Observatory:
Now houses studio flats.
Typical post WWII housing:
Zeughaus/Former Armory:
World Cultures Museum:
Spitalkirche/Hospital Church:
Yavuz-Sultan-Selim Mosque (1995):
The largest mosque in Germany.
Postal carrier:
Rathaus/City Hall:
Synagogue (1987):
Marktplatz/Market Square:
Fountain with the god Mercury and city goddess Mannheimia:
Bell tower between the Alte Rathaus/Old City Hall and Untere Pfarrkirche/Lower Parish Church:
 Alte Rathaus/Old City Hall façade:
Untere Pfarrkirche/Lower Parish Church (1723) façade:
Konkordienkirche/Concordia Church (1717):
Most of Mannheim was destroyed during World War II. Some buildings were faithfully reconstructed and others were replaced by modern buildings. The Concordia Church appeared to be reconstructed on the exterior, but the interior was redesigned:
The center aisle floor design was created by Korean artist Sun Minah:
Although it looks like barcodes, it is actually lettering of words from the Book of Revelation.
Mahnmal/Memorial to the Jews of Mannheim:
Paradeplatz allegorical fountain:
Post Office:
We had dinner at HenningerGutsschänke/Tavern.
Wiener Schnitzel:
Mixed Platter with bratwurst, leberknodl/liver dumpling in sauerkraut, and saumagen/sow's stomach (a large sausage served in slices):

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