Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Made in Minniesoda (5/9-13/2015)

Saturday, May 9, 2015
Big day with Brynne's graduation from the University of Minnesota College of Veterinary Medicine.
College of Veterinary Medicine banner
Summit Hill Brass Quintet
The CVM faculty fills the stage
Brynne getting "hooded"
 Brynne's hood
Tamiko, Dr. Brynne, Kent
Reception cake

Sunday, May 10, 2015
Happy Mother's Day!
Visited the Museum of Russian Art that is housed in the former church built in 1935 for the Mayflower Congregational Church, designed by one of the founding members, Carl Bard, in Spanish Colonial Revival style.
Museum of Russian Art 
The facade silhouette resembles that of the Alamo

Tuesday, May 12, 2015
Roadside America!
Roseville: Oldest Dairy Queen (1947) in Minnesota
Falcon Heights: "Fairchild," the State Fair Gopher (1966)
University of Minnesota East Bank:
Giant Molecule (2008, by Amy Toscani)
University of Minnesota East Bank:
Brynne with Goldy Gopher (2013, by Nicholas Legeros)
University of Minnesota East Bank:
Weisman Art Museum (1993, designed by Frank Gehry)
Minneapolis: Courthouse Creatures:
Rock Man (1999, by Tom Otterness)
Rock Man detail
Minneapolis: Courthouse Creatures
Minneapolis: Courthouse Creatures
Minneapolis: Courthouse Creatures
Minneapolis: Courthouse Creatures
Minneapolis Sculpture Garden:
Spoonbridge and Cherry (1988,
by Claes Oldenburg and Coosje van Bruggen
More from the Minneapolis Sculpture Garden.
Alene Grossman Arbor and Flower Garden
Without Words (1988, by Judith Shea)
Bronze Woman IV (1998-2000, by Thomas Schutte)
The Six Crystals (1988, by Philip Larson)
Cowles Conservatory
Cowles Conservatory: Standing Glass Fish
(1986, by Frank Gehry)
Cowles Conservatory
Hare on Bell on Portland Stone Piers (1983, by Barry Flanagan)
(The lower half of the sculpture was covered by shrubbery)

Wednesday, May 13, 2015
More Roadside America!
A stop at the MoZaic Art Park to see the Brick Head.
MoZaic Colossus/Brick Head (2011, by James Tyler)
with bronze Venus in Ventus (2012, by Heidi Hoy) atop
columns from the former Federal Reserve (1915, designed by Cass Gilbert)
Trolley Ball (2012, by Lars Fisk)
Minneapolis sewer cover
Antique store in White Castle Building No. 8 (1936)
This White Castle is a prefabricated, potable building that was originally located at 616 Washington Avenue SE, and in 1950 it was moved to 329 Central Avenue SE. In 1983, a buyer was found to save the building from demolition, and it was moved to this location at 3252 Lyndale Avenue. It was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1986.
Old White Castle signage
Lakewood Cemetery:
Hubert H Humphrey Gravesite
Hubert H Humphrey Gravesite
I didn't have time to research better directions, and ended up in a section kitty corner to Showmen's Rest, an area for career performers including those from the circus. We also did not find Tiny Tim's/Herbert B Khaury's tomb.
Lake Harriet Park:
Elf Tree
Travel south on Lyndale Avenue S, take a right on W 50th Street, then a right on Penn Avenue S. Park on Penn Avenue before it ends at Lake Harriet Parkway. Cross the parkway and go down the steps at the end of Penn Avenue. Watch out for bicyclists as you cross the bike path to reach the pedestrian path. Turn left and walk about 200 feet to the Elf Tree.
Elf Tree door
Kids leave notes and gifts for the elf, and apparently when he is not in Florida for the winter, he leaves answers to the notes.
Mari's Place at 5117 Penn Avenue S
Once upon a time artist Mari Newman had a yard filled with sculptures made from junk, as she painted small designs on her house, beginning in 1988. By 2012, the city made her clear out her yard.
Cottontail on the Trail/Minnehaha Bunny (2002, by Jeffrey Barber)
End of Minneapolis, MN.

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