Saturday, May 2, 2015

Ohio State Reformatory (5/2/2015)

Saturday, May 2, 2015 (continued)
Our next stop in Mansfield, OH was the Ohio State Reformatory, better known as the filming location for the movie "Shawshank Redemption."
Ohio State Reformatory
The chateau-like complex was constructed from 1896 to 1910. Originally the Intermediate Penitentiary, it was meant as a halfway facility between the Boys Industrial School (Lancaster, OH) and the State Penitentiary (Columbus). It was designed by Levi T Scofield of Cleveland, using the three architectural styles of Victorian Gothic, Richardsonian Romanesque, and Queen Anne. The first inmates arrived in 1896 and helped build the sewer system and outer wall. The prison was ordered closed in 1986, but was delayed until 1990 when the replacement facility was finally completed. It was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1983.
An unlikely place for a Canada Goose nest
Peeling paint
Kent with "Shawshank Redemption's"
Red (Morgan Freeman)
under restored stained glass
Wallpaper in the warden's quarters
Bathroom in the warden's quarters
Closet door woodwork
Inside the closet
Bedroom in the warden's quarters
Steel stairway and tiled floor
Classroom in the Administration Building
Kent with a wooden corner bead/guard
 It was easy to confuse the real with the movie.
"Shawshank Redemption" movie setting:
Brook's hotel room
The chapel
We assume this has something to do
with the cell doors that would all
close and lock simultaneously
East Cell Block (KSS)
The East Cell Block (6 levels) was the largest free standing cell block in the world.
Typical cell
Kent showing dimensions of a cell
Cell doors
Smoking section of the hospital!
Spiral stairway
East Cell Block (KSS)
Showers (KSS)
Tour route goes through the movie tunnel prop?
Kent with Shawshank Redemption tunnel
Solitary confinement cell 
Solitary confinement cell door
The section used in "Shawshank Redemption" was painted
Central Guard Station was used in the movie "Air Force One"
Dentist chair
Electric chair
Administration Building (warden's quarters to the right)
A section of the oak tree used in "Shawshank Redemption"
(and another goose nest)
The Ohio State Reformatory is also a site of paranormal activity, and the ghost tours are popular.
We also stopped in Ashland, OH, at the Ashland County Historical Society.
Garden Club Memorial sculpture (2013)
Manor House (1859, enlarged and remodeled in 1906, 1920 and 1958)
Carriage House (ca. 1859)
Eloise Ridgeway Noonan House (1999)
Administration and Museum
Across the street is 431 Center Street (1901)
Thus concludes our Mansfield, OH tour.

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