Saturday, June 11, 2016

Parade the Circle (6/11/2016)

Saturday, June 11, 2016
Another Parade the Circle, a big time community arts and music endeavor, this year with the theme of Temenos.
This youngster led the parade, with some nifty
ribbon work when not fighting the wind
The Panic Steel Ensemble;
creative management of moving the band
Wondrous Wonders of the Sea (including stilt walkers) by
Lakeside High School Art Club and Ashtabula Arts Center
Wild West with some very creative "wheelchair costumes,"
by Abington Arms (section 8 and senior housing)
Wild West
Catching the dreamzzz by Horvitz YouthAbility of JFSA
Birthday Bash (for the 100th of the Cleveland Museum of Art)
by the Women's Council
The Minions of Marilyn by Hawken School
Who plays with your toys at night?by Ian's Ensemble; this one inspired byDancing Peasants by Albrecht DΓΌrer
Havin' a Ball with Dongmin and Marina Yang
Cleveland Donauschwaben Brass Band
My Pharoah, My Queen
The Villagers' Celebration by Glenville Recreation Center
and Conscious Nest Community Drummers; Lenjeng dance of
the Jola people of Senegal, including their white adoptee!
Under the Umbrella of the Arts Is Where You'll Find Us
by the Beck Center of the Arts
Drums, Drummers, and Drumming for Peace
by Drums for Humanity and Volunteers of America;
those 5-gallon pails are everywhere!
Afro-Brazilian troupe dancer
who was very pregnant
An Afro-Brazilian deity
Oh my gosh, another pregnant Brazilian!
Arboreal flying squirrel
Flying squirrel head
The Extended Family Honors the Queen (Nefertiti)
by The Extended Family Child Care Center
Pill bug
The Official Flower of Cleveland
You Can Leave Your Shoes On
by Eus, Annod, Sirch, and Nairb;
the most work-intense parade sight
Stilt walkers and Tan Tan puppets

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