Saturday, June 4, 2016

Pete's Birthday Party (6/4/2016)

Saturday, June 4, 2016
After a lunch at Cava with Erich, we drove to Garrett Park, MD to the community pool to start setting up for Pete's 6th Birthday Party.
Dylan helps Erich put helium in the
"dinosaur egg" balloons
Pete (with a new haircut) checks out the inflatable dinos
Decorated picnic tables at the
dinosaur-themed party
Pete (2nd from left at the table)
and a "few" of his friends, eating pizza
Dylan in the lap pool
Because of the threat of rain, after two hours, everyone headed to Vivian's house for the rest of the party.
Dylan & Pete's half-brother, Miles
Vivian went all out in baking for this party.
Dinosaur cookies
Volcano birthday cake
The cupcake tree
Dino cupcakes
Time for the piñata! Pete takes a swing
while his step-dad, Sean, handles the rope
The mad dash for spilled candy
A friend and Dylan show their take from the piñata
Here comes the birthday cake!
Erich cuts the cake while Vivian supervises
There is even magma inside the volcano!
Dylan and Kent with a "Life-size"
Tyrannasaurus Rex
Kent, Pete, and Erich
 Happy Birthday, Pete!

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