Saturday, March 4, 2017

C&O Canal National Historical Park (3/4/2017)

Saturday, March 4, 2017
Kent's last day of work before retirement was yesterday, and today we are already on the road!
Heading first to Maryland to spend time with Erich, Dylan and Pete.
Took a short detour to see a couple spots along the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, which ran along the Potomac River from Washington, DC to Cumberland, MD for 184.5 miles.  Construction began in 1828, and the canal was opened for service in 1831. The final section to Cumberland was completed in 1850, and the canal was in use until 1924.  A section to connect to the Ohio River was never built.
Park sign
First stop: McCoy's Ferry, which was in operation at least since 1835, ferrying people across the Potomac River from Maryland to Virginia.
The C&O Canal towpath at McCoy's Ferry
During the Civil War, the Confederates captured the ferry once, but only got halfway across to Virginia, before the Clear Spring Guard arrived and wrested it from them. Later, General  J.E.B. Stuart crossed the Potamac using this ferry and the culvert on his way to Chambersburg, PA.
Now the ferry site is a boat ramp
The culvert allowed a road to pass under the canal
Beautiful blue sky
Next stop, Four Locks.
Lockhouse 49
The lockhouse was lodging for the lockkeeper and his family. This one has been rehabilitated and furnished in 1920s style, and is rented to overnight guests.
Lock 50 (1838)
Most of the locks were 16 feet deep, and each of the four locks here had a lift of 8-1/4 feet.
Kent shows the depth of the lock at Lock 49 (1838)
Looking back at Lock 49
Lock 48 (1838) is filled in
Lock 47 (1837)
Flory House, one of the few remaining buildings
from the community surrounding the Four Locks
Onward to Washington, DC.
The ice rink at Washington Harbour
A penguin-assist for young skaters
Kent by the outdoor seating of the
Erich-managed restaurant
Farmers Fishers Bakers
Display case in Farmers Fishers Bakers
Our Fishers Fry dinners came with a unique peanut-cider slaw, and a fresh version of creamed corn.

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