Sunday, March 5, 2017

Fun with Grandkids (3/5/2017)

Sunday, March 5, 2017
Spent the afternoon with grandsons Dylan and Pete, first at Sky Zone, the "original and premier trampoline park" (indoors).
Erich and Pete in the open jumping area
Erich and Dylan
An area for dodge ball
The Sky Slam area
Dylan exits the Foam Zone
Whoops, very hard to time the taking of photos!
Erich is in the foam blocks and Pete is leaping in
Erich hangs after his slam dunk
Missed catching Dylan in the air
Back at Erich's place, we watched a movie and played some games, including one called "Pie Face!"  There is a spinner to determine how many times you turn the handle, and you hope the "hand" doesn't splat the whipped cream in your face.  Then the next person tries his luck.
Dylan watches Grandpa take his turn
Dylan enjoyed getting whipped cream in his face!
Pete watches his dad take a turn
I missed the action, but Pete is eating the whipped cream off his dad's face!
Pete won the short game of Monopoly that we played, despite his trading $200 for Dylan's $20!
Thanks for a great visit, Erich, Dylan, and Pete!

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