Sunday, August 27, 2017

KatrinaplusKyle Wedding (8/26/2017)

Saturday, August 26, 2017
A gorgeous day for a gorgeous wedding!
Photo collage (by Mary Jane) at the rehearsal
dinner for the Kyle and Katrina wedding (8/25/2017)
Kyle, Kent, and Brynne before the ceremony
at Tillinghast Farm in Barrington, RI
The gazebo was turned into the bar,
with wall hanging by Katrina
Yarn and ribbon "chandelier" (by Katrina) for tying
up the wishes written by the wedding guests
A wish tree is a Dutch wedding custom.
The ceremony backdrop (by Katrina!)
Ceremony seating with programs that could be used
as fans, and bags of birdseed in lieu of rice
Pre-ceremony music provided by Barney
Officiant Tom, Kyle, Erich, Ben, and Joe
Katie, Elyse, Katrina, and Officiant Tom
The missing bridesmaid, Emily, could not attend today because she gave birth to a baby four days ago!
We behaved and did not take any photos when the professional photographer was shooting.
Sisters Karen, Mary Jane, and Marty Ann
Pete, Erich, and Dylan
A few weeks ago, Dylan broke his arm in a fall with his bike.
Kent and Brynne
Tamiko and Brynne (KSS)
Katrina and her bouquet
Elyse and her bouquet
Katie and her bouquet
Katrina made the bouquets.
Elyse and Katie "bustle" (hook up) the train
of Katrina's custom-made wedding dress
The view from the hilltop at Tillinghast Farm, with Narragansett Bay
Wedding cake and cupcakes (PBB)
Pete has already enjoyed a cupcake
Katrina and Kyle cut the cake
Joe's son Hollis, Pete, and Dylan
Apparently a Dutch tradition is wrapping
the bridal couple in ribbons as they do a slow dance
Katrina's parents, Marianne and Terry
Fiona and Maddy
Maggie and Alex
Erich and Dylan
Fiona is "spotty"
Alex looks for moving dots
A wonderful wedding for a wonderful couple!
The A D Lippett/A E Tenney House
(1876, in late Victorian, Second Empire style)
Kyle and Katrina live on the second floor

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