Thursday, August 24, 2017

RI Museum of Art (8/24/2017)

Wednesday, August 23, 2017
Arrived in RI and the first order of business was to meet at Mary Jane's and Barney's for a pizza dinner and a chance to meet Katrina's parents, Terry and Marianne.
Sunset seen in Tiverton, RI

Thursday, August 24, 2017
After a lunch at Caserta's of WimpySkippies, I went to the Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) Museum of Art.
Untitled (2012, by Paul Cowan)
that has a fishing lure
Big Baby Accretion with Navajo Striations (2016,
by Nikolai and Simon Haas),a vessel
imitating the natural layering process
St Jerome Beside a Pollard Willow (1648,
by Rembrandt van Rijn), an etching
Yvette Guilbert Taking a Curtain Call (1894,
by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec)
Desk (1915-1916) and window (1904) designed by Frank Lloyd Wright
Etruscan gold jewelry (7-3C BCE) with part
of the center pin seen behind a magnifying glass
Pendleton House (1926 rendition of the
1799 Georgian house of Charles Pendelton),
built as a wing to the museum to display
the Pendleton Collection of decorative arts
Ceiling lamp of the glass collection?
Blue and white ceramics: Chinese plate (c. 1810),
Dutch plaque (c. 1700), and Chinese tea caddy
(early 19C), but there are no longer small
blue and white ceramics for sale in the gift shop!
Walked over to the RISD building complex between Waterman and Angell Streets.
Mosaic tiles in the Freshman Housing Quad
Tile art in the entrance to South Hall
Mosaic wall in the entrance to Homer Hall, which leads to the Met Courtyard
Katrina had reserved a room off the cafeteria to arrange the flowers for the wedding.
Most of the flowers came from Mary Jane's gardens
Most of those who worked on arranging flowers:
Elyse, Alysha, Ilija, Mary Jane, Katrina, Maureen, and Tamiko
(photo by Keith, who also helped!)

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