Saturday, September 9, 2017

Lake View Cemetery Part 3 maybe? (9/9/2017)

Saturday, September 9, 2017
We haven't been to Lake View Cemetery in a while, so today we went in search of Raymond Chapman.
Henry Chisholm (1822-1881)
Henry Chisholm is known as the Father of the Cleveland steel trade. Born in Scotland, he came to Cleveland at age 20 and built docks and piers along Lake Erie. His technical genius and handling of men allowed him to invest in a rolling steel mill, where he personally managed operations and finances. To preserve cash, he he offered company-owned housing and company-store benefits to the workers, whom he knew and regarded as important to the company's success. When he died, his workers contributed towards the monument for their "friend." Labor relations changed after his death, with the workers going on strike the following year.
Shaw High School memorials to alumni who
lost their lives in the two world wars;
seems like a very long list for one high school
A grave marker with little bronze birds on it
It was only in 2016 that Alan Freed's final
resting place was marked with this "jukebox"
Alan Freed, who popularized "rock and roll," died
in California and was interred in New York;
in 2002 his ashes were brought to be displayed
in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, but in
2014 the Hall asked his family to remove the ashes
There seem to be more mementoes left these days,
like the writing instruments at Harvey Pekar's grave
Even Eliot Ness has a pile of small stones
on his memorial (his ashes were spread
over the nearby lake)
And look at the mementoes on the this headstone!
Raymond "Ray" Johnson Chapman (1891-1920) was a shortstop who
played for the Cleveland Indians until hit in the head with a pitch;
he is the only Major League Baseball player to have died
from an injury received during a game
Daffodil Hall
Castanea dentata/American chestnut with fist-sized burrs
Dramatic family marker with an etching of Dante and Beatrice
at the River of Forgetfulness and Oblivion
(1985, by John Sokol)
Mausoleum for Liberty Elmer Holden (1833-1913)
Liberty Holden was an owner of the Cleveland Plain Dealer newspaper and a real estate investor. He moved to Cleveland in 1862 to study law and invest in real estate. In 1873 he began investing in mining properties, iron in the Lake Superior region, and silver in Utah, and became a leading spokesman in Washington for western silver interests. Soon after Holden purchased the Plain Dealer in 1885, he launched the morning Plain Dealer after buying out the Herald in association with the Leader. Holden also owned the Hollenden Hotel; and was largely responsible, as president of the building committee, for the construction of the Cleveland Museum of Art and its adjacent setting of Wade and Rockefeller Parks.
A Strong marker for a Strong family
I'm sure this marker has meaning for the Kelley family
Cornus mas/Cornelian Cherry Dogwood
The Burkes are ready! The open book has quotes from
Pascal, Dante, and St Exupéry
"Le coeur a ses raisons que la raison ne connaît point/The heart has its reasons of which reason knows not." (Pascal, from Pensées/Thoughts)
"L'amore che move il sole e l'altre stelle/The love that moves the sun and stars." (Dante, from the Divina Commedia/Divine Comedy)
"On ne voit bien qu'avec le coeur, l'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux/One can see only with the heart, the essential is invisible to the eyes." (St Exupéry, from Le Petit Prince/The Little Prince)
A place for leaving mementoes
Because it is not easy leaving mementoes on a crypt
September 11, 2001 Memorial with a piece of steel
from the Twin Towers of New York City
President James A Garfield Memorial
A solar-powered rocking lady bug

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