Sunday, September 10, 2017

Lake View Cemetery 4 (9/10/2017)

Sunday, September 10, 2017
Another walk in Lake View Cemetery, looking for graves of notable persons. We will stay in Sections 10 and 1!
Markers at the corner of family plots
The Castle family monument
William B Castle (1814-1872)
William Bainbridge Castle was a Mayor of Consolidated Cleveland in 1855-1856. Castle and his family moved to the Cleveland area when he was 13 years old. As a young man, he established the first lumber yard in Cleveland along with his father, Jonathan Castle, and Charles Giddings. In 1843, he left the firm and joined with Cuyahoga Steam Furnace Company as its secretary. In 1853, he was elected mayor of Ohio City, which consolidated with Cleveland during his term in office.
Samuel Starkweather (1799-1876)
Samuel Starkweather was born in Pawtucket, RI and went to Brown University. He later studied law and became a judge before moving to Cleveland around 1826. He twice served as Mayor, in 1844-1845 and 1857-1858. Starkweather is credited for establishing the first high school in Cleveland, and developing the Cleveland, Columbus and Cincinnati Railroad.
Parsons family monument
Richard C Parsons (1826-1899)
Richard Chappel Parsons was a lawyer who practiced in Cleveland. He served on the Cleveland City Council, and also as a member of the Ohio State House of Representatives. In 1873 Parsons elected to the United States House of Representative from Ohio's 20th District, for one term.
We were looking for John Hay, but
found his wife instead, at the Stone Monument
Clara Louise Stone (1848-1914)
We had actually found John Hay's monument on November 3, 2013.
Gordon family monument
William J Gordon (1818-1892) was a wholesale grocer and iron-ore dealer. In 1865, Gordon began purchasing land east of Cleveland and laying out a 122-acre park which, at his death, was deeded to Cleveland provided it be forever maintained and kept open to the public under the name of Gordon Park. We explored Gordon Park on 5/28/2016.
Frederick Harris Goff (1858-1923) (KSS)
Frederick Harris Goff was a lawyer and Cleveland civic leader. He worked primarily in corporate law, specializing in reorganization and financial problems. In 1903 he was mayor of Glenville and endorsed Glenville's annexation to Cleveland. During World War I, he served on the Mayor's Advisory War Committee and was appointed by President Woodrow Wilson as vice-chairman of the War Finance Corporations capital issues committee.
Looking down a hill at a cemetery road
Rouse family monument (KSS)
Rebecca Rouse (1797-1887)
Rebecca Cromwell Rouse moved to Cleveland with her husband, Benjamin Rouse, in 1830. She dedicated her life to serving children and families, starting with the Ladies Tract Society. She was an original member of the First Baptist Society, and in 1842, Rouse founded and became president of the Martha Washington & Dorcas Society, one of the first benevolent organizations in the city, from which originated the Protestant Orphan Asylum. She also helped organize the Cleveland Ladies Temperance Union in 1850. When President Abraham Lincoln called for troops, Rouse organized the Ladies Aid Society, later known as the Soldiers Aid Society. The figure of Rouse can be seen on one of the bronze panels of the Soldiers and Sailors Monument  in Public Square.
A beer party at a grave of perhaps a departed Browns fan;
today is the season opener for the NFL Cleveland Browns
Beach Mausoleum
Clifton Bailey Beach (1845-1902) was a lawyer who served as deputy collector of customs in Cleveland. He served two terms in the United States House of Representatives, from Ohio's 20th District, from 1895-1899.
George C Julier monument, with a cute
little cherub and lamb on the plot
George C Julier (1836-1896) was proprietor of the Excelsior Bread, Cake and Cracker Works from 1880 until his death.
Sherwin family monument
Henry Alden Sherwin (1842-1916)
Henry Alden Sherwin went to school in Vermont until age 15, then went to live with his uncle in Cleveland. He started working at Freeman & Kellogg Company, a dry goods store, first as a clerk, then bookkeeper. When he saved enough money, he became a partner at Truman Dunham and Company, a wholesale paint business. Since his partners were more interested in producing linseed oil, Sherwin dissolved the partnership, and with two other men (one being Edward Williams) started the Sherwin Williams Company, known for the manufacturing and sale of paints, as well as other coatings and related products.
Colonel Edgar Sower (1832-1906)
Edgar Carl Sowers was a Civil War Union Brevet Brigadier General. In 1862, he enlisted in the Ohio Volunteer Infantry and was commissioned Captain. A year later he was promoted to Major and took part in actions at Kingston, Blain's Cross Roads and Mossy Creek. In 1864, Sowers was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel, and was at the Battle of Resaca and the Atlanta Campaign. He distinguished himself in the Nashville Campaign at the Battle of Franklin and Battle of Nashville and was promoted to Colonel in command of the 118th Ohio Infantry during the Campaign of the Carolinas. Sowers was brevetted Brigadier of U.S. Volunteers in March 1865 and was present at the surrender of Confederate General Johnston's Army at Bennett's House, Raleigh, NC on April 26, 1865. He and the Regiment mustered out in June 1865.
Cozad family monument
The family patriarch, Jacques Cozad fled France due to Huguenot persecution and sailed in 1662 to Brooklyn, NY where his son, Anthony, and grandson, Jacob, were born in 1673 and 1701. Two more generations were born in NJ: Samuel in 1725 and Samuel, Jr in 1756. Samuel, Jr had a son, Andrew, in PA in 1801, and they moved to Cleveland. Andrew married Sally Simmons (1805-1884), and they had nine children. He was an abolitionist who built a house in University Circle for his son Justus. Now known as the Cozad-Bates House, it has an Italianate style façade added by Justus in 1872. It was said to be a station on the Underground Railroad. Andrew Cozad died in 1873.
Brynne was stung by a bee, so we headed home!

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