Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Lake View Cemetery 5 (9/13/2017)

Wednesday, September 13, 2017
Another Cleveland history lesson in Lake View Cemetery.
Garden Crypts Building 2
Crypt of Middleton Hugher Lambright, Sr (1865-1959)
Middleton H Lambright, Sr was a physician in Kansas City, MO, who brought his family to Cleveland in 1923 so that his children could avoid a segregated education. He began practicing medicine in 1898 and rose to chief of the Obstetrical Division of Kansas City General Hospital No. 2, the only African-American in the department at the time and the first in the United States to head a hospital department. Dr. Lambright was one of the founders in 1939 of Forest City Hospital, Cleveland's first interracial hospital. His son, Middleton H Lambright, Jr also became a physician and was the first black doctor to obtain full hospital privileges in Cleveland.
Newton D Baker (1871-1937)
Newton Diehl Baker, a  lawyer, served as Mayor of Cleveland from 1912-1915. President Woodrow Wilson appointed Baker as the United States Secretary of War from 1916-1921, presiding over the United States Army during World War I. Baker was also a candidate for the presidential nomination at the 1932 Democratic National Convention (the chosen candidate was Franklin D Roosevelt).
Henry I Emerson (1871-1953)
Henry Ivory Emerson moved to Cleveland from Maine in 1892 and practiced law. He was a member of the Cleveland City Council in 1902-1903. Emerson served three terms in the United States House of Representatives, from 1915-1921.
Hayes family monument
Max S Hayes (1866-1945)
Maximilian Sebastian Hayes was apprenticed in printing. In 1884 he was initiated as a journeyman in the Typographical Workers Union Number 53, where he served the local as an organizer, president, and delegate. Hayes helped launch the Cleveland Citizen in 1891, editing it for almost 50 years. In 1898 he was a delegate to the American Federation of Labor/AFL national convention, beginning his battle with Sam Gompers over demands for union democracy, solidarity, and independent political action by labor. Hayes campaigned as a Socialist candidate for Congress in 1900, for Ohio secretary of state in 1902, and as Farmer-Labor party candidate for vice-president in 1920.
Harry L Davis (1878-1950)
Harry Lyman Davis was a solicitor for the Cleveland Telephone Co. and later founded the Davis Rate Adjustment Company, selling telephone securities, and the Harry L Davis Company, selling insurance. A Republican, Davis was elected city treasurer in 1909. He was Mayor of Cleveland from 1915-1919, establishing the Mayor's War Advisory Committee in 1917. Davis served one term as Governor of Ohio, and was again Mayor of Cleveland from 1934-1935.
David Pope (1921-1999)
Dave Pope was a Major League Baseball player (outfielder) who played for the Cleveland Indians from 1952 for four seasons, after starting out in the Negro Baseball League. He then played for the Baltimore Orioles 1955-1956 until traded back to Cleveland. In 1957 he went to the San Diego Padres in the Pacific Coast League for three seasons. Then to Toronto of the International League, Houston then in the National League, and back to Toronto before retiring. Following his baseball career, he worked as a counselor, director of recreation in Cleveland and as an amateur baseball coach.
Alexander E Brown (1852-1911)
Alexander Ephraim Brown was a civil engineer who worked at the Massillon Ohio Bridge Company where he  devised a method of building bridge columns from scrap iron and steel. Returning to Cleveland he worked as a mechanical engineer, experimenting with ways to facilitate the unloading of bulk cargo on the Great Lakes by partially automating the process. Brown designed the Brown Hoist, a cantilevered crane, rigged with wire cable to convey an automatic clam-shell bucket to and from the ship's hold, removing the cargo. His hoist, first set up on the Erie docks, reduced lake transportation costs and greatly shortened the turn-around time of the vessels. In 1880 he organized the Brown Hoisting & Conveying Machinery Company with his father.
Arter family monument
Kingsley Arter Taft (1903-1970)
Kingsley A Taft was a Justice on the Ohio Supreme Court between 1948-1962, and Chief Justice, between 1963-1970. Before then he was elected to the Ohio House of Representatives, serving from 1933-1934. Taft served on the Shaker Heights School Board from 1940-1942, serving as president in 1942. In 1946 Taft was elected to the U.S. Senate to fill the unexpired term of Harold Burton.
Rose family monument
Benjamin Rose (1828-1908)
Benjamin Rose came with his parents to the United States at age 10 and settled in Cincinnati. At 12 he got his first job as a laborer in a Cincinnati slaughterhouse. The following year he moved to Cleveland and went into the provision business with his brother. After a partnership with Chauncey Prentiss, Rose organized the Cleveland Provision Company in 1877, which became the largest meat packer in Cleveland. Its success was based largely on Rose's innovative practices, centering on his use of refrigeration in his packinghouse and in rail and ocean shipping of his products. In 1908, Rose used some of his capital to build the Rose Bldg. at E. 9th St. and Prospect Ave., the largest office building in Ohio at that time. Upon his death, he bequeathed his fortune to charity, making possible the establishment of the Benjamin Rose Institute which provides relief and assistance to the needy aged and to curable crippled children.
Ranney family monument
Rufus P Ranney (1813-1891)
Rufus Putnam Ranney was a lawyer who was elected to the second Ohio State Constitutional Convention in 1850. He served a term on the Ohio Supreme Court and in 1857 he was United States Attorney for the Northern District of Ohio, followed by another stint in the Supreme Court. Ranney was selected the first president of the Ohio State Bar Association, which was organized in 1881.
Devereux family monument
Henry Kelsey Devereux (1860-1932)
"Harry" Devereux was actually born in 1859. At 16, he attended Brooks Military Academy and was chosen as the drummer boy model in Archibald Willard's painting The Spirit of '76. After graduating from Yale in 1883, Devereux worked for the Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati & Indianapolis Railroad, and later managed the Chicago-Cleveland Roofing Company. Interested in harness racing, he invested in horses and drove them in amateur races at the Glenville Race Track. In 1895 he organized the Gentlemen's Driving Club of Cleveland, which competed with other clubs through the League of American Driving Clubs, which Devereux organized in 1901, professionalizing the sport and focusing attention on Cleveland. When the Mayor of Glenville declared betting illegal, the race track closed. Devereux and others financed the building of Randall Park Race Track and was its first president. The Randall Park Race Track (harness racing) is now the site of the defunct Randall PaArk Mall.
William Collins (1818-1978)
William Collins was a United States Senator from New York from 1847-1849. In 1853 he moved to Cleveland to practice law. He served as a director of the Lake Shore Railroad and East Cleveland Railroad.
James Barnett (1821-1911)
James Barnett served during the Civil War as Colonel of the 1st Ohio Volunteer Light Artillery, and as Chief of Artillery for the Military Department of the Cumberland. He was brevetted Brigadier General, US Volunteers on March 13, 1865 for "gallant and meritorious services".
Foran family monument
Martin A Foran (1844-1921)
Martin Ambrose Foran was a cooper and educator from Pennsylvania who moved to Cleveland in 1868. He was president of the Coopers International Union, and editor of the Coopers Journal from 1870 to 1874. Foran served as member of the State Constitutional Convention of Ohio in 1873, then went to study law. He was elected to three terms in the United States House of Representatives from 1883-1889.
A deer in the cemetery
Haskell family monument
Coburn Haskell (1868-1922)
Coburn Haskell came to Cleveland from Boston in 1892 as the result of a friendship between his father and Marcus A Hanna. In Cleveland, Haskell became closely associated with the Hanna family, working for the M A Hanna Company. An avid golfer, Haskell patented a ball with a rubber-wound core in 1899. In 1901, he retired from M A Hanna to organize the Haskell Golf Ball Company. The "Haskell golf ball" replaced the universally used gutta-percha ball and revolutionized the manufacture of golf balls. Because of its greater distance, the Haskell ball reduced scores and helped considerably to increase the popularity of golf.

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