Saturday, December 2, 2017

Lake View Cemetery 11 (12/2/2017)

Saturday, December 2, 2017
Taking advantage of crisp, sunny weather to find more "VIP" grave markers in Lake View Cemetery.
John Crowell (1801-1883)
John Crowelll was born in Connecticut, but moved with his parents to Ohio. He studied law and was editor of the Western Reserve Chronicle in Warren. He was a member of the state Senate in 1840, then served two terms in the United States House of Representatives (1847-1951). He was also editor of the Western Law Monthly (Cleveland).  In 1863 Crowell purchased the Ohio State and Union Law College, acting as president until his retirement in 1876.
Someone gave Julia Louise a scarf (KSS)
Lycurgus L Marshall (1888-1958)
Lycurgus Luther Marshall graduated in law from Western Reserve University in Cleveland, and was brother and law partner of John D Marshall. Lycurgus was a Ohio state representative from 1921-22, and then a state senator from 1923-1925 where he is noted for introducing a bill to allow motion pictures to be shown on Sundays. He also served one term in the United States House of Representatives (1939-1941).
John D Marshall (1885-1961)
John Marshall graduated in law from Western Reserve University in Cleveland, and was brother and law partner of Lycurgus L Marshall. John served 12 years as a city councilman in Cleveland (1921-1933), and under the city manager plan, while he was resident of the council (1925-1933) he was the Mayor of Cleveland.
Edward Blythin (1884-1958)
Edward J Blythin was born in Wales, where he was educated and became a bookkeeper. He immigrated to the United States where he continued to work while attending Cleveland Law School at night. In 1940 he became the city law director, and upon the resignation of the Mayor of Cleveland, Blythin automatically succeeded to the position to finish the term. In 1949 he was elected judge in the common pleas court and continued there until his death.
Theodatus Garlick (1805-1884)
Theodatus Garlick, MD was born in Vermont and graduated from medical school from the University of Maryland in 1834. In the early 1850s he moved to Cleveland, and was elected a member of the Board of Censors of the Cleveland Medical College and vice president of the Cleveland Academy of Natural Sciences. His specialty was plastic surgery, where he pioneered methods including with harelips. Garlick also is known as the first in America to breed fish by artificial methods. He had a talent for sculpting and created over 60 anatomical models, still found in medical colleges across the country. In 1939 he made the first daguerreotype in the United States, after constructing the apparatus himself. Despite suffering a disease of the spinal nerves, he worked through pain in a recumbent position to sculpt his masterpiece, a bust of Jared Potter Kirtland, in 1874.
John Strong Newberry (1822-1892) (oops, wrong grave marker!)
John Strong Newberry was born in Connecticut but spent most of his life in the Western Reserve. He graduated from the Cleveland Medical School in 1848. He then studied medicine, botany and paleontology in Paris for two years. In 1855 he was appointed surgeon and geologist to an exploring party in northern California and Oregon, and in 1857 he did similar work in the region of the Colorado river. He joined an expedition in 1859 that explored southwestern Colorado and adjacent parts of Utah, Arizona, and New Mexico, and was the first geologist to see the Grand Canyon.
During the Civil War, Newberry was elected a member of the United States Sanitary Commission, in charge of supplying hospitals and military facilities. In 1866 he was appointed professor of geology and paleontology at the Columbia School of Mines (later Columbia University) where he started a collection of specimens to create a museum. He became the state geologist of Ohio in 1869 and was awarded the Murchison Medal of the Geological Society of London in 1888. Newberry Crater, Oregon (now in the Newberry National Volcanic Monument) was named in his honor in 1903.
The Newberry monument is dedicated to 1st Lieutenant
Roger Cleveland Newberry of the United States Army Air Force
who was shot  down in North Africa during World War II
Adella Prentiss Hughes (1869-1950)
Adella Hughes grew up in Cleveland and graduated from Vassar College in 1890 with a degree in music. An accomplished pianist, she toured Europe to further her education. Returning to Cleveland in 1891, she continued as a professional accompanist and soloist, but also organized concerts and other entertainment such as operas, symphonies, ballets and orchestras, playing at Grays Armory.
She founded the Musical Arts Association in 1915, and created the Cleveland Orchestra three years later. With the orchestra needing its own concert space, Hughes raised enough funds not only to build a concert hall (Severance Hall), but also to establish an endowment for the maintenance of the building.
Hmm, the pen forest is growing at Harvey Pekar's grave marker!
Samuel Andrews (1836-1904)
(This one was a challenge to find as the mausoleum is unmarked!)
Samuel Andrews was born in England and arrived in Cleveland in 1857, where he invested $4,000 in an oil refinery with John D Rockefeller and Maurice B Clark. Andrews is credited with inventing the chemical process called fractional distillation, which is the separation of crude oil into its components. With his technical expertise and Rockefeller's financing and marketing, the company grew into Standard Oil. After a falling out in 1874, Andrews sold his interest in the company to Rockefeller for $1 million. He used his fortune to build one of Cleveland's largest mansions (1885), nicknamed "Andrews' Folly" because of its poor design and costly maintenance. He abandoned the property in 1898 and it was razed in 1923.

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