Friday, December 1, 2017

Long Post Thanksgiving Weekend (11/23-29/2017)

Thursday, November 23, 2017
Happy Thanksgiving!
We had the traditional meal at noon (with Brynne), then we started our drive to New England. We stopped in Utica, NY to spend the night.

Friday, November 24, 2017
We arrived in Rhode Island where our first stop was at Caserta's for a Wimpy Skippy! Then we headed to Tiverton where Erich, Dylan and Pete were staying with their mom/nana for Thanksgiving. This was our opportunity to have Erich go through some of his Grandma S's jewelry. It also gave us a chance to see Dylan and Pete.
Old Colony House (1741, designed by Richahrd Munday) in Newport, RI,
was initially the home of the colonial assembly then alternated as the
state legislature with Providence until the Statehouse was built in 1900
Statue of Oliver Hazard Perry (1883, by
William Green Turner)
Knowles-Perry House (c. 1750) was acquired by Oliver Perry's father
close to 1800 and both Oliver Hazard and his brother
Matthew Calbraith spent their childhoods here before
embarking on distinguished naval careers
A boat decorated for the Newport Harbor Illuminated Boat Parade
Another decorated boat in Newport Harbor
Even the little guys could join the parade
Saturday, November 25, 2017
Erich and the boys headed back to Maryland early this morning. We were staying with Kyle and Katrina, and Lula and Sailor, their two cats.
We attended the “Kill The 'Trump Tax Scam' Rally” at the RI Statehouse. Ah, preaching to the choir...
Rally at the RI Statehouse (KSS)
It's too bad that those who will be most hurt by the
Tax Cuts and Jobs Acts, are the ones who don't know any better (KSS)
Katrina and Kyle at the Arcade (KSS)
A stop at the AS220 Project Space and Reading Room:
Perfectly Preserved Sea Shore #2 (by Scott Lapham) (KSS)
Floatsam (by Scott Lapham)
The Fainting Room installation by Jennifer Avery,
in the Reading Room, in which Katrina will
have an installation in August 2018

Sunday, November 26, 2017
Another day with Katrina and Kyle, which included a stop at the RISD Museum.
Coffeepot (c. 1955, by John Prip), is
actually highly polished silver with an
ebony handle, but it is reflecting skin tones
Exine (2008, by Paul Morrison) is a mural covering three walls
The Altered States Exhibit included the tools
of engraver Theodore Roussel
This is the result from the above copper etching
Stained glass windows (1904, designed by Frank Lloyd Wright) from the
Darwin D Martin House in Buffalo, NY; supposedly based
on the "Tree of Life" motif; however, they gave me pause because
typically the branches are angled up, but these "cascade down"
From the Line of Thought: Drawings from Michelangelo to Now From the British Museum Exhibit:
Studies from the Last Judgment (1534, by Michelangelo)
The Virgin and Christ Child with a Cat (c. 1478-1481,
by Leonardo da Vinci) showing three alternatives
to placement of the head of Mary
"All tastes like dust in the mouth/ All strikes like iron in the mind"
from the Back of Beyond series (1954, by Sidney Nolan) (KSS)
Sailor wants to play, but Lula takes it too seriously
Sailor has extra toes, looking like
thumbs on the forepaws (KSS)
And tiny extras toes (between Katrina's thumb and
forefinger) on the hindfoot (KSS)
 Monday, November 27, 2017
Breakfast was at the Modern Diner in Pawtucket, RI
We stopped at Patriot Place in Foxboro, MA to see Gillette Stadium
(home of the NFL New England Patriots) and The Hall (KSS)
Tamiko's clunky shoe next to the size 17
footprint of Richard Seymour
Gillette Stadium
A Patriot cooks up a tuna
(wouldn't a dolphin make more sense?)
Kent at Tom Brady's locker mock-up
Tamiko at Ron Gronkowski's locker mock-up (KSS)
FIVE Super Bowl trophies! (they are actually silver...)
The 2016-2017 Super Bowl Ring

Tuesday, November 28, 2017
After spending a comfortable night in Ashland, MA with the P family, we headed to Brooklyn, NY.
Lower Manhattan skyline from the Whitestone Bridge,
dominated by the new One World Trade Center
We arrived at about the same time as Ryan and Maddy, with Fiona, back from their traditional trip to see Grandpa S in Pensacola, FL.
Fiona kept us entertained
Massive sycamore trees in Msgr McGolrick Park
All ready for Christmas!
We had dinner at Beco, a Brazilian restaurant, which was excellent!

Wednesday, November 29, 2017
Breakfast was at The Bagel Shop that specialized in
these rainbow bagels and unusual flavors
Bacon, egg and cheese bagel!
This were we fortified for the drive back to Ohio!

Friday, December 1, 2017
Kent and Gus discovered a flock of chickens
during their walk in the neighborhood! (KSS)

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