Monday, September 2, 2019

Middletown (PA) Cornucopia Trail (9/2/2019)

Monday, September 2, 2019
Happy Labor Day! We took advantage of some sun between rainstorms to take a short hike on the Cornucopia Trail that follows the perimeter of the former Darlington Family Dairy property. The name "Cornucopia" apparently comes from the name of the old family dairy.
This trail basically circles a residential area, but often you were not within site of any homes. We parked on Richard Lane just NW of Azalea Court, and headed SW in a counter-clockwise direction.
Trail markers at Richard Lane
Unusual to see bamboo!
We passed an unused railroad track that appears to have
been a further extension of the SEPTA Media-Elwyn Line
There was even a stanchion for rail electrification
There were some ups and downs on this trail,
and it appeared to have been somewhat maintained
Kudzu? No, it's Ampelopsis brevipedunculata/
Porcelain Berry, an invasive that is said to be worse
than kudzu for covering and smothering native plants
Here is an example of the Porcelain Berry vines covering vegetation
Some parts of the trail are nicely manicured
Crossed a tiny stream (note the Porcelain Berry vines)
Oh, boy! Wildlife sighting: Anaxyrus americanus/
Eastern American Toad (KSS)
We also saw a buck bound a couple leaps down the trail.
Perhaps Ilex decidua/Possumhaw (KSS)
A meadow where the trail overlaps with the Darlington Trail
"Wild" zucchini plant
Only one instance of "litter" (crushed beer cans)
Crossing Stephen Drive, a trail information board
Mementoes at the info board
This trail is a 1.25 mile loop trail.

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