Sunday, September 1, 2019

Tyler Arboretum: The Painter Collection (9/1/2019)

Sunday, September 1, 2019 (continued)
In 1681, Thomas Minshall was one of the first to purchase property from William Penn. Later descendants of Minshall, brothers Jacob and Minshall Painter, were fascinated with natural history. In 1825 they set aside a portion of the property for systematic planting of over 1,000 varieties of trees and shrubs. After eight generations of the family descended from Thomas Minshall, the estate was bequeathed to a board of trustees established to administer the land as an arboretum, named for the last of the family, Laura Tyler.
Painter Greenhouse (1871, as a grapery for the forcing of grapevines)
Stewartia pseudocamellia/Japanese Stewartia (KSS)
The Pond with two turtles
In this photo are three of the original trees/shrubs planted by the
Painter brothers: Far L is Pyrus communis/Common Pear, tree to R
is Tilia americana/American Linden, and the shrubbery
to the R is Aesculus parviflora/Bottlebrush Buckeye
Another Painter Legacy tree is the Magnolia fraseri/
Fraser Magnolia (with dark trunk and foliage)
Painter Legacy: Aesculus flava/Yellow Buckeye
Not a Painter Legacy: Magnolia 'Galaxy'/a Hybrid Magnolia
The Hybrid Magnolia has aerial roots
Basking Circle
Coreopsis tripteris/Tall Tickseed
Painter Legacy: Sequioadendron giganteum/
Giant Sequoia (KSS)
The Giant Sequoia had a lightning rod cable (KSS)
Approaching the Pinetum, a collection of conifers or cone-bearing plants,
developed by the first director of Tyler Arboretum, Dr John C Wister
Two butterflies on Vernonia noveboracensis/
New York Ironweed (KSS)
Sign on the meadow pathway (KSS)
Painter Legacy: Liquidambar styraciflua/Sweetgum
Painter Legacy: Picea orientalis/Oriental Spruce,
a Pennsylvania State Champion tree
Painter Legacy: Pinus nigra ssp laricio/Corsican Pine
Painter Legacy: Cedrus libani/Cedar of Lebanon;
a Pennsylvania State Champion tree
Painter Legacy: Mahonia bealei/Leatherleaf Mahonia
Springhouse was used by the Painter
brothers to make butter and store dairy products
Painter Legacy: Maclura pomifera/Osage Orange, which was blown
down by a hurricane in 1954, has a rot-resistant trunk
Painter Legacy: the center tree is a Magnolia
/Cucumber Magnolia
Painter Legacy: The 2nd of 4 large trunk (whitish) is a
Taxodium distichum/Bald Cypress, and the 4th of 4, the
largest trunk is another Liquidambar styraciflua/Sweetgum
Painter Legacy: Between the Bald Cypress and
Sweetgum is a Betula nigra/River Birch
Painter Legacy: Arundinaria gigantea ssp. tecta/Switchcane Bamboo,
the only bamboo native to the United States
Fruit Vault (1958, as a root cellar,
but also was used to store apples)
Painter Library (1863) has fireproof vaults; used to house a collection of
books, manuscripts, documents, deeds, letters and government publications;
most of the material is now housed in the
Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College
Lachford Hall (1738, with a transformation from farmhouse
to "Country Villa" style in the late 1880s)
Bank Barn (1833-1834, extensive renovation in 2016
to make it an event venue)
We shall be back!

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