Thursday, September 17, 2020

Easton, PA (9/17/2020)

Thursday, September 17, 2020
Checked out of the National Hotel!
We continued north along the Delaware River in New Jersey towards Easton, PA
Northampton Street Bridge (1895-1896,
by James Madison Porter III) to Easton, PA
Roadside America Large Bicycle (2004 replacement of
storm-damaged 2002 version) on top of Genesis Bicycles
What's that up on the hill?
Statue (1921, by Daniel Chester French) of the
Marquis de Lafayette, in front of
Colton Chapel (1916) at Lafayette College
This is the statue up on the hill...
Lafayette College Soldiers' Monument (1868)
lists names of alumni who died in the Civil War
Lafayette College Monument for the
First Triangulation Station and Benchmark,
a primary reference point for surveying and mapping
The Quad at Lafayette College with Skillman Library (1965)
Apparently, two Tiffany stained glass windows now reside in the new library. Two others were lost in a 1965 fire at Colton Chapel.
The other end of the Quad with Hogg Hall (1902,
in Collegiate Gothic style!)
Now to downtown Easton, PA.
Bachmann Publick House (1753) is the oldest standing
building in Easton, a tavern where the second floor served
as the first Court of Northampton County
The Bachmann Publick House was once owned by George Taylor, a signer of the Declaration of Independence, and hosted other signers such as John Adams. 
Sculpture of a Surveyor: Could this be William Parsons,
appointed by William Penn to survey and map out Easton?
Centre Square (which is actually a circle!) includes the
Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument (1900)
Centre Square was the site of the first Northampton County
Courthouse (1765) as commemorated on this boulder
Centre Square was one of three places (including Trenton and Philadelphia) where the Declaration of Independence had its first public reading on July 8, 1776. Over two centuries later, crowds of people blocked traffic at Centre Square to celebrate Easton's own Larry Holmes winning the World Boxing Council heavyweight championship on June 9, 1978.
Former Easton National Bank (1928, in Art Deco style)
Former Easton National Bank detail (KSS)
Bank Street Murals (1999) (KSS)
Kressler Garden (1996?) features native plantings
Parsons-Taylor House (1753-1757, for William Parsons,
the surveyor) was also the residence of George Taylor,
the signer of the Declaration of Independence
Mixsell-Illick House (1833, rear addition c 1850)
Behind the Mixsell-Illick House with grave markers
Mixsell-Illick House fence detail
Jacob Nicholas House (1807 "bank house" from the Federal period),
whose owner, a woodturner, became a captain of a Durham boat
Jacob Nicholas House with original entry walkway (KSS)
Tithonia rotundifolia/Mexican Sunflower
Rock Church of Easton (1852 as the First
Reformed Dutch Church)
The tower of the Rock Church looks out of proportion, which could be because the Easton gave funds to house the town clock, or because the plans were in inches, but the builder used the metric system...
Northampton Street with the State Theater (1914, by
William H Lee, inspired by Old Spain and Italy architecture)

Next: Bethlehem, PA I.

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