Wednesday, September 16, 2020

New Hope, PA & Frenchtown, NJ (9/16/2020)

Wednesday, September 16, 2020 (continued)
We continued north along the Delaware River to New Hope, PA.
Roadside America: Boomer the Dino Dog (2003, by Dana Stewart)
Many restaurants have you pull up their menu
on your smartphone with a QR symbol
Aquetong Creek Dam
Bucks County Playhouse in a former grist mill (1790) at the dam
Parry Mansion (1784, for Benjamin Parry, one of the founders
of New Hope) was occupied by four generations of Parry
descendants until the property was sold to the
New Hope Historical Society in 1966
Civil War Memorial on Cannon Square
(actually a triangle) with a 9-inch Dahlgren gun
(cast in 1855) from the USS Minnesota that
saw action between the USS Monitor and
the CSS Virginia (Merrimack) in 1862
Restaurant in converted church (c 1895)
Roadside America: Creeper Gallery was closed
Continued north but on the New Jersey side of the Delaware River to Frenchtown.
The National Hotel (1833 as a stagecoach stop and brothel,
rebuilt in 1850, saved from neglect in 2009) was
our accomodation for the night
Eclectic furnishings in our room
Yes, four different lamps!
View from our third floor room (no elevator!)
Lenape Mural (2011, by Adrienne Crombie & Don Dalen)
depicts the sustainable lifestyle of the early residents of the area
Nishisackawick Creek
Ha! A home backed up to the creek looks
historic but was built in 1985
Address lamp post for 12 Bridge Street/
Worman-Apgar House
Worman-Apgar House (1869, in Italianate style)
with a unique fence
Frenchtown Inn (1838)
Delaware and Raritan Canal State Park Trail
One of the Miles of Mules project (2003), celebrating
the mules that pulled canal barges, wears his mask
49 Kingwood Avenue/Rittenhouse Summer Retreat
(1878, in French Second Empire style)
53 Kingwood Avenue/Widow McCrea House (1854)
30 Kingwood Avenue (1880, in Italianate style?)
S C Worman Memorial Fountain (1917) (KSS)
Next: Easton, PA.

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