Saturday, October 17, 2020

Jenkins Arboretum & Gardens (10/17/2020)

Saturday, October 17, 2020
Jenkins Arboretum & Gardens is located in Devon, PA. The property formerly belonged to Lawrence & Elisabeth Jenkins who had a love of horticulture and nature. Lawrence created a foundation to preserve the property as a memorial to his wife. In 1973, the adjoining property was also donated by Louisa P Browning. The Jenkins Arboretum opened to the public in 1976.
John J Willaman Education Center (2009, by
Cee Jay Frederick) is a LEED Gold Certified building
The education center was closed due to the pandemic, but an employee came out to stamp our Gardens Passport.
A watering can sculpture painted by a local artist (KSS)
Another watering can sculpture (KSS)
Container Bog Garden
Greenhouses (uncovered) behind the education center
The pathways were marked for one way
traffic to allow for social distancing
Oops, wrong way!
Jenkins Arboretum has nationally recognized collections of rhododendrons and mountain laurels.
A low fence of twisted rhododendron branches (KSS)
View from Azalea Hill (the former Jenkins
and Browning homes are down below)
Hexastylis shuttleworthii var. harperi 'Callaway'/
Largeflower Heartleaf (KSS)
A tree with buttresses!
Hmm, the buttressed tree from the "side"
The buttressed tree is a Quercus rubra/
Northern Red Oak
Nature's art (KSS)
Symphyotricum cordifolium/Common Blue Wood Aster
Unnamed creek dropping down a level (KSS)
Lonicera sempervirens 'Magnifica'/Trumpet Honeysuckle
Kent reads the labels of riparian plants
at the edge of the man-made pond
View down on the pond (KSS)
Another view of the pond
Opuntia humifusa/Eastern Prickly Pear Cactus
Conoclinium coelestinum/Blue Mistflower
Euonymus Atropurpurpeus/Eastern Wahoo
The Eastern Wahoo has red berries
A fall-blooming rhododendron hybrid
Rhododendron x 'Purple Gem'
Okay, did a bird use the plastic strip
to build the nest, or did someone use
the strip to mark the nest?
Jenkins Arboretum Gate
(2009, by Peter Trout Gard)

Next: Hildacy Preserve.

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