Saturday, October 17, 2020

Natural Lands Hildacy Preserve (10/17/2020)

Saturday, October 17, 2020 (continued)
Since we were counting steps for the Walk to End Alzheimer's, and we needed more, we went to the Natural Lands Hildacy Preserve after a lunch in Berwyn, PA.
Had lunch at La Cabra Brewing, in 1800s former general store
Mural: Berwyn: A Historic Crossroad, Now and Then
(2005, by Karl Yoder)
Hildacy Preserve started as a 300-acre land grant from William Penn to a local tanner. Over time the property was cleared of oak trees for timber and used for agriculture. Hilda and Cyril Fox purchased 55 acres in 1936 to raise racehorses and German shepherds. They kept their land open for wildlife as the surrounding area was developed. In 1981 Hilda donated the property to Natural Lands with instructions to continue her conservation work. The original stone farmhouse (1806) with additions serves as the headquarters for Natural Lands. There is also a former springhouse (c 1870) and a frame barn (c 1900).
Billboards in nature (KSS)
Natural Lands sign (KSS)
Natural Lands is a non-profit organization that saves open space, cares for nature, and connects people to the outdoors in eastern Pennsylvania and southern New Jersey.
Crum Creek runs through Hildacy Preserve (KSS)
Clear waters of Crum Creek
Hundreds of native trees have been planted along
Crum Creek to improve water quality, as it is a source
of drinking water (although it is on the
downstream side of the drinking water reservoir)
Beginning autumn foliage
Why is this nesting box entrance blocked,
and is that a camera lens below?! (You can
almost see a face in the blocked entry!)
This almost looks like an owl
in the scar of a tree (KSS)
A pair of nesting boxes on the edge of Hilda's Meadow
The wide path through the grasses of the meadow
A view across Hilda's Meadow that is farmland converted
to a meadow through planting of native grasses (KSS)
Nearby is Springton Reservoir, created by damming (1929-1931) Crum Creek. Although officially named Geist Reservoir, it is known by the name of the farm it flooded.
View of Springton Reservoir, a drinking water
reservoir, and the pump station
Another view of the 391-acre reservoir

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