Sunday, October 31, 2021

Immersive van Gogh (10/31/2021)

Sunday, October 31, 2021
Visiting with daughter, Brynne:
Boris, the cockatiel, stares down Randy, the cat
Boris sits on a knee while Roger, the other
cockatiel, thinks he is staring down Brynne
Remember that there are five versions of van Gogh digital art presentations? On a whim, we decided to check out another version that was showing in Cleveland.
The Cleveland venue was Lighthouse ArtSpace Cleveland
Instead of informative displays about Vincent van Gogh,
the Lighthouse Immersive van Gogh had photo-op sculptures
Sherwin Williams is headquartered in Cleveland,
but van Gogh did not paint from cans
Iconic Cleveland lettering and a version of Stayin' Alive
nine-foot electric guitar from GuitarMania
Kent and Brynne with tube of oil paint
Transition between Piles de champs de blé avec
Moissonneuse/Wheatstacks and Reaper
and Meules de blé/Wheatstacks (1888)?
This venue was interrupted by columns within the room,
and the mirrors surounding the columns did not
help improve the immersive feeling (KSS)
This version did project many more of the works of
van Gogh, such as Oliviers dans un paysage montagneux/
Olive trees in Mountainous Landscape
(1889) that morphed
into several versions of olive trees painted by van Gogh
L'iris/Irises (1889)
The irises are starting to morph (KSS)
A video showing the transition from Irises:
The transitions were fast and although more paintings were shown, the views were fleeting. The transitions also did not have the technical innovations of the Philadelphia digital art show.
Champ de blé aux corbeaux/Wheatfield
with Crows
(1890) as seen on
a pillar mirror (KSS)
Hmm, I wonder what the other immersive van Gogh performances are like?

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