Thursday, November 4, 2021

Holden Arboretum (11/4/2021)

Thursday, November 4, 2021
We have visited Holden Arboretum, near Cleveland, OH, on 9/14/2013 and on 8/24/2014. This time, however, we were admitted for free with our Tyler Arboretum membership cards!
We took Gus, here in the back seat of the car
It was nearly noon
Not sure why there are steps down to the stream
Habitat Hut, for kids
We followed the Woodland Trail
The Woodland Trail takes you out,
then back in through the deer fence
A wooden bridge over a fairly deep gully
Which came first, the burl
or the crook in the tree? 
The Acer sp/Maple leaves have fallen
These are likely the tall Liriodendron tulipifera/
Tuliptrees, still with colorful leaves
View across Buttonbush Bog
Owl Bog
A section of the Murch Canopy Walk
(2015) allows you to walk among the
tree tops at 65-feet above the ground
Kalberer Family Emergent Tower (2015) at
120-feet tall, is not connected to the Canopy Walk
Both the Canopy Walk and Emergent Tower are "closed for the winter."
Gazebo at the Ellen & Allen Daus Memorial Overlook
A fallen tree and many trees block the view from the overlook
Gus had to check out these roofed stumps
Stickwork: Tilt-a-Whirl (2020, by Patrick Dougherty) is
a woven willow sculpture that is meant to naturally
deteriorate over time and return to nature
Enter and explore the maze-like Stickwork
View across Blueberry Pond
Ilex verticillata 'Winter Red'/Winterberry
Geranium 'Rozanne'
Taxodium distichum/Bald Cypress from green to
orange-brown, are deciduous and lose their needles
Colorful Bald Cypress
Diospyros viginiana 'Meader'/Common
Persimmon still has a few fruit hanging
Tricyrtis hirta/Hairy Toad Lily
In the neighborhood, The Herb Society of America is headquartered in Kirtland, OH.
The Herb Socierty of America is housed in
the Vineyard House (1841, built with local stone)
It's not really herb season in November!
View of the rear of Vineyard House
Looks like a disjointed pine tree
Curved planting beds
Did I finally find some fall color?
We have new mobile phones and the camera produces weird colors, especially of the sky... sorry!

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