Friday, November 5, 2021

Maltz Museum (11/5/2021)

Friday, November 5, 2021
We first went to the Maltz Museum of Jewish Heritage on 7/7/2013 (better photos of the 2005 building). Today our Tyler Arboretum membership gave us free entry.
Maltz Museum of Jewish Heritage (2005, by Westlake Reed
Leskosky, referencing antiquity and contemporary design)
The museum is surrounded by a semicircular wall of
Jerusalem limestone, a symbolic wall of memory
to honor those who were killed in the Holocaust
and various wars and aggressions
Statue (c 1910, by Max Kalish) of Rebecca,
which he apparently made when a student
at the Cleveland School of Art
A Hebrew typewriter
Torah scroll (c 1700s) that was inscribed
in Iraq, with a pointer
A map with push pins representing known hate groups
across the United States, based on an online map on
the Southern Poverty Law Center’s website
A German American Bund poster reminds
us that in the 1920s and 1930s, pro-Nazi
rallies were held locally in the USA (KSS)
Sadly, genocide continues to happen again and again
A special exhibit: Stories of Survival: Object | Image | Memory: Sixty personal items, brought to America by survivors of the Holocaust and more recent genocides, are on display. Each artifact is also showcased in an oversized photograph (that look three-dimensional) with handwritten comments by the survivors or their family members.
Germany: Albert Loeb's Wallet
Albert Loeb's photograph and commentary
Iraq: Othman Al Ani's Domino Set
Othman Al Ani's photograph and commentary
Cambodia: Siyin Duong's Ceremonial Urn
(artifact not available)
Rwanda: Raissa Umutoni's Cardigan
Raissa's mother, Immaculee Mukantaganira (who actully
lost two daughters), wrote the commentary

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