Monday, August 22, 2022

Montclair, NJ (8/22/2022)

Monday, August 22, 2022
This morning, in the rain, we explored the gardens of the Van Vleck House and Gardens (another Tyler Arboretum reciprocal membership opportunity, however, the gardens are always free) in Montclair, NJ. The property is surrounded by a tall wrought-iron fence with gates, but they open automatically if you approach them slowly!
Van Vleck House (1916, as a Mediterranean villa)
Wisteria Courtyard with Wisteria sinensis/Chinese Wisteria
planted in 1939 by third-generation Howard Van Vleck
Look at the trunks of this wisteria vine!
The Formal Garden with a Cedrus libani/Cedar of Lebanon
at the far end, and lined with several hybrids of
rhododendrons developed by Howard Van Vleck
The Rear Garden features a Poncirus trifoliata/Hardy Orange
seen here with miniature green fruit
The tallest tree in the center is a
Cedrus atlantica ‘Glauca’/Blue Atlas Cedar,
and back on its right is a
Metasequoia glyptostroboides/Dawn Redwood
Kent with a very large rhododendron;
it was definitely not the season for rhododendrons!
Caretaker's Cottage
Looking northeast towards the Tennis Court Garden
The Education Center and Visitor Center
are in the former stables
A Boy Scout troop built the "fire ring" in the Woodlands
A pergola between the Woodlands and Mother's Garden
Part of the Rhododendron Walk
Along the Fairy Trail, where young visitors
can create their own fairy abodes
Hmm, the dining room table did not fit in the house?
Tennis Court Garden with Wisteria floribunda/Japanese Wisteria
The center of the Tennis Court Garden
The Drying Yard where clothes were hung to dry
out of sight of visitors
The Drying Yard features the Enkianthis perulatus/
White Enkianthus that could be better identified eithr
with white flowers or red fall foliage
A birdhouse in the Winter Garden
Nearby at the Montclair Art Museum is Listen
(2008, by Tom Nussbaum)
Wow, I haven't seen Sherril S-K for
nearly 40 years; we had a delightful lunch
at Raymond's in Montclair
Next: Southampton Estates.


  1. I’ve been there but didn’t acquire so much information about it. Raymond’s and me ended your day (well almost ended).

  2. Through our interests in history, horticulture, and architecture, etc., we tend to seek a bit more information than most visitors! Most of our followers just scan quickly through the photos!
    Our day certainly "almost ended" on a very high note, thanks to you!
