Sunday, August 21, 2022

More Rockland County, NY (8/21/2022)

Sunday, August 21, 2022 (continued)
A few more historical sites in Rockland County, NY:
Jacob Blauvelt Homestead with the farmhouse (1832)
on the left and kitchen outbuilding on the right,
connected by a later common room (New City, NY)
This view of the farmhouse shows the gambrel roof
and overhanging eaves that reflect the style of 
18C Dutch houses in the region
19C barn complex includes a blacksmith shop
The vegetable garden uses the Three Sisters
method of the indigenous people, with corn
supplying the support pole for the beans,
and squash plants shading the ground below
Whose flag? It was General George Washington's
Commander-in-Chief flag, and was flown
wherever Washington was present during
the American Revolutionary War; here it flies
at the Dewint House in Tappan, NY
Dewint House (c 1700) is the oldest house in Rockland County;
General George Washington headquartered here in 1780,
 at which time he signed the death warrant for
for British Major John Andre as a spy
See, the flag indicated George Washington
is here! He also returned to the Dewint House
in 1783 to negotiate with British General
Sir Guy Carleton the peaceful exit
of the British from New York
A display of simple grave markers probably unearthed
in the construction of the Palisades Interstate Parkway,
belonged to the enslaved persons of the Mann family (KSS)
The grave markers of the enslaved were usually
engraved with initials (KSS)
19C Carriage House has a display of artifacts
The Old '76 House (1668) is one of the oldest taverns
in the United States, and is where Major John Andre
was imprisoned in what was then Mabie's Inn
The Major Andre Monument (1878 to replace a stolen
1847 monument) marks the spot where Andre was hanged;
it used to be taller but had its base blown out in 1885
British Major John Andre was involved in Benedict Arnold plot to turn over West Point to the British. After meeting with Arnold, Andre, dressed as a civilian, had incriminating papers stuffed in his boot. Unforunately he was caught by suspicious American soldiers near Tarrytown. Benedict Arnold fled to British occupied New York City. The British refused to swap Arnold for Andre, so Major Andre was tried and sentenced to be hanged. Eventually the remains of Andre were sent to England, and he was given the honor to be buried in Westminster Abbey!

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