Wednesday, May 3, 2023

2023 Road Trip: The Ringling Museum of Art (5/3/2023)

Wednesday, May 3, 2023 (continued)
Having been through the gardens, we approached the Museum of Art from the rear.
The Center for Asian Art at the Ringling Museum of Art
(2016, by Machado Silvetti) (KSS)
The Ringling Museum of Art from the rear
Lygia and the Bull (late 19-early 20C), from the novel
Quo Vadis (1896, by Henryk Sienkiewicz), where the
Christian woman Lygia is sentenced to death
by being tied to a bull (in the end she is saved!) (KSS)
Farnese Bull (modern bronze cast of 3C
Roman marble), where Dirke is punished by
being tied to a bull by Amphion and Zethus,
twin sons of Zeus (Greek mythology) 
Joseph's Coat: Skyspace by James Turrell
(2011); all we saw was the setting; at sunset
LED lights change colors to change how
one views the sky through the aperture
Exhibition: Reclaiming Home: Contemporary Seminole Art:
Everglades Scene with Seminole Camp (1992, by Noah Billie)
Cypress Canoe (2022, by Pedro Zepeda) (KSS)
Seminole Warriors Observing US Army Soldiers Marching
(1993, by Noah Billie) (KSS)
Brevity: Sunrise to Sunset (2022, by Tony Tiger) (KSS)
Stickball (2020, by Wilson Bowers) on
skateboarding decks; stickball is
a version of lacrosse
Modern and Contemporary:
Title Six (1967, by Thomas Downing) looks to be 3-D
Title Six is actually flat (KSS)
European and American Art:
The Flight of Lot and His Family from Sodom
(c 1613-1615, by Peter Paul Rubens and Workshop)
Philip IV, King of Spain (c 1628-1629,
reworked 1631, by Velázquez), originally
depicted the King in full armor, but was
later painted over with clothing,
giving Philip IV a pinhead-look
Act of Mercy: Giving Drink to the Thirsty
(1620s, by Bernardo Strozzi)
Rest on the Flight into Egypt (c 1572,
by Paolo Veronese) has angels/winged
cherubs and one has washed a diaper?
Cardinal Albrecht of Brandenburg as
St Jerome
(1526, by Lucas Cranach the Elder)
The Meeting of Abraham and Melchizedek (c 1625, by
Peter Paul Rubens and Workshop) and Tamiko (KSS)
Kent with Emperor Justinian (1886,
by Jean-Joseph Benjamin-Constant)
A Portrait Group of Parisian Celebrities
(1889, by Alfred Stevens) is a section of a larger
Panorama du Siècle, and features Sarah Bernhardt
Astor Mansion (1893-1895, by Richard Morris Hunt)
Library, in Regency style
Astor Mansion Crème Salon in French Rococo Louis XV style
John Ringling purchased the two rooms of the Astor Mansion (840 Fifth Avenue, New York City) in 1926 before it was demolished.
Moonlight Landscape (c 1785, by Jospeh Wright of Derby)
Still Life with Parrots (late 1640s,
by John Davidsz de Heem)
Asian Art:
Stone reliefs of Emaciated Buddha and Dying Buddha
(3-4C from Pakistan)
Amphora Vase with Dragon Handles
(8C from China, Tang Dynasty)
The front of the Museum of Art with
Curvae in Curvae (2012, by Beverly Pepper)
We missed spending much of today to celebrate Mike's birthday. He gave us a landscape tour of their community, where he is president of the homeowners' association, which has turned into a fulltime job (without pay!).
Dinner was at Yoder's Restaurant with
typical Amish fare and plenty of pie
We were interested to learn that there are Amish and Mennonite snowbirds who come to Sarasota for the winter. The Pinecraft neighborhood was established in the 1920s, for farmers to grow celery, but the soil was not suitable. The weather attracted a few to stay, and many to return on a regular basis. Bicycles are the mode of transportation, since horse and buggies are not allowed in Sarasota.
Next: Tampa Baseball Museum.

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